Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

25 November 2010

Houses... everywhere...

Little houses - they were all over our house but in September quite a few of them relocated.  Here are two of them: 'made do and mend' on the left (bought by a lady who makes patchwork items -very appropriate!), and blue/grey on the right....

And this house - didn't sell at Village Green - I think because I was sending out 'don't buy it' vibes because it was my 2nd favourite! (& someone had already bought my favourite! lol)(which I'm very grateful for obviously! lol)
Love making these - and I can feel a christmassy one coming on...  ho ho ho  (only 30 days 'til christmas day!!)


  1. Steph7:04 am

    Loving the houses Jo - could be a great project for an ArtsyCraft weekend :). I think it was fate that you didn't sell that last house as it is gorgeous and deserves to live in your home :)

  2. these houses are fab and I agree its hard to let go of your favourites :)


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