Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

21 June 2017

I'm a Guest Designer!....

.. over on the Stencil Girl Products blog today - chuffed to be asked to contribute to their blog - thank you Stencil Girl! - and really happy to share the project which you can find HERE, and here's a sneakpeek

Its a project using some of my favourite products - PaperArtsy Fresco Finish paints and {Stencil Girl} stencils and masks!

Please go take a look


19 June 2017


... Saturday 24th June 2017... 

I'll be teaching a workshop at That's Crafty, Romford creating an A4 box canvas (with a difference!) using paints, inks, Grunge Paste, Stencils and.. oh.. NEW STAMPS!!!

I'm really looking forward to sharing this workshop with you so please contact the shop (HERE) to book your place.

Hope to see you!


18 June 2017

Doodle me this, doodle me that!....

This evening over on the PaperArtsy blog saw the release of my latest JOFY stamps.... I realise I might always say this but I love this new release!!

Two new stamps sets:

I think these are just the happiest prettiest stamp sets I've designed so far!

Here are 2 canvasses I designed using them (you saw one of the canvasses over on the PaperArtsy blog):

I really like how the images extend over the edges of the canvas - I think my favourite piece might be the wire mounted 'fuzzbuds'!

In the next couple of days, over on the PaperArtsy blog, two bloggers/wingmen will be showing the projects they designed with this new release - I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to Chris Cresswell and Clare Messenger for their hard work and beautiful projects... gorgeous projects! Thank you!

I hope you like the new designs as much as I do!


13 June 2017

Thank you Mother Nature

When things seem a bit gloomy you can always rely on Mother Nature to bring something that will lift the spirits..

Look at those colours!! aren't they beautiful - dark rich pink on the outside and peachy orange on the inside - fabulous!!

I like pink flowers - we have peonies (had peonies - last week's wind battered a lot of the blooms) I love the big multi-petaled flowers 
 and these that have 2 colours on the flower - I just wish they'd last longer!

Here's one of the few not pink plants in the garden - I think this clematis is fabulous and I'm really proud of how strong and resilient it is because its sharing the gates with a VERY boisterous honeysuckle plant - grows like a thing possessed! lol

Please don't let this blog post give you the idea that I'm a master gardener or anything.. far from it! I'm really not! but I'm trying :o)  
I'm waiting for the agapanthus to flower later in the year (some are flowering later than usual) - really looking forward to those...

I hope these flowers have brightened your day - I know they brighten mine.


12 June 2017


How is June already?!?!  and how is it June 12th??!!?!

Seriously, I don't know where the past couple of months have gone, and they haven't been the easiest of times - but June is filling me with optimism (well apart from the large vet bill BertieCat has created by getting into some kind of mischief last month... very glad he's insured!). The garden is looking all green and lush - the plants are all flowering and we're having glimpses of summer weather - I say glimpses because I swear we had a monsoon for a couple of days last week! lol  Got to love the English weather!

I have a few teaching dates lined up (you can see them all if you click on the 'Teaching and Demonstrating' button under the main banner at the top of the page) I just wanted to let you know about a couple coming up later in June...

17th June:  I'll be demo'ing at Birds in the Barn, Marks Tey, Essex

24th June:  Workshop at That's Crafty, Romford, Essex - In this class we'll create a box canvas with a difference, and it will feature new (oh yes: NEW!!) products....   click HERE to go to the website to book your place.

I hope you can make it to either (or both!) of these events, it would be great to see you!

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