Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

26 October 2019

New stamps!!....

.... and I'm getting organised! This new stamp release is a bit different for me - barely a flower in sight!

This release is all about planners, bullet journalling, calendars and dates in one form or another...

JOFY87 focuses on the months of the year....

JOFY88 focuses on the days of the week & month...

These are going to be such useful stamps!  Head on over to the PaperArtsy blog to see the variety of projects I designed with them.

These stamps were designed with a specific project in mind - its a version of a perpetual calendar where dates which occur every year can be noted so not to be forgotten...

I'm currently teaching this as a workshop - its a lovely project created with all sorts of techniques - starting with a masterboard created in your choice of colours it builds up with painting, stamping, stencilling, & die-cutting.  Its a great project to make & keep or give as a christmas present (by the way christmas is in less that 60 days!!)... if you like the idea of making one these please come along to one of the venues listed over on my 'teaching dates' page which you can find via the link in the top bar of this blog...  I hope you can join me!

I hope you like the new stamps as much as I do!



3 October 2019

Workshop at Handmade at Helens...'

.. I'm heading oop north tomorrow... and when way I say 'North' I mean way oop North - to Scotland!  I'll be spending the weekend teaching workshops at Handmade at Helens - you can find all the details HERE on the website.

Here are some (not so) sneak peeks of the projects we'll be creating - you can make the projects in colours of your choosing - and we'll be using new (previously unreleased) stamps I've designed specifically with one of these projects in mind...

On Saturday we'll be creating these gorgeous 'Nature Blocks'.... (decorated on all sides, they'll never be the wrong way round...)

& on Sunday we'll create this flip style calendar that will hold all those important dates you need to remember....  Created from painted, stencilled and stamped masterboards and (featuring lovely new stamp designs) this project will make a great christmas gift (if you can bring yourself to give it away!)... The photo below shows the project 'in progress'.... you can add as many dimensional details as you'd like but remember to leave space to write the dates!

Its going to be a lot of fun - there are still places available so why not come and join us for a lovely creative weekend!

Hope to see you there!!

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