Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

29 April 2020

#the100daysproject 2020 #100days100circles Part 2

Nine more pages of #the100dayproject... I'm laying these out in threes as this is how I load them onto my Instagram feed... keeping it all pleasing and neat & tidy!

I'm enjoying this sooo much - I really like how one design can lead to another and I sometimes make several squares in one sitting - I can't help myself!  Good time management! lol

If you have any questions about any of the squares please leave it in the comments and I'll answer.

Thanks for stopping by


28 April 2020

#the100daysproject 2020 #100days100circles Part 1

The start of April saw the start of the #the100dayproject  Its an Instagram project that each participant interprets in their own way - pick a topic and do it for 100 days.  Back in 2018 I joined in with my #100daysinthelifeofaline - this created a concertina book measuring just under 10m... You can see it the finished project HERE

I liked the format of that project - nice small pages (9.5x9.5cm) - so I'm using it again this year (I also think the two books will look cute stacked together on a shelf  lol)  but this year its all about CIRCLES!!


Anything goes - as long as there is a circle involved! - painted, stamped, doodled, embossed, paper pieced, collaged, cut, stencilled, die cut - seriously - ANYTHING!! as long as its a circle - they don't need to be the same size (though I do like them centred)

Here are the first few days....

I'm really enjoying creating these little bite size pieces - I'd recommend taking part in the project... there's no pressure, do as much or as little as you want, choose whatever theme you want and most importantly (for me) is that its  FUN!  and relaxing - or challenging, its up to you!

Thanks for stopping by


24 April 2020

Doodle something BIG!

I hope you are all keeping well.... In the UK we are in week 4 (I think, I'm beginning to lose track!) of the lock down.
I've been keeping busy and one of the things I was finding myself doing was clearing things out, destashing... prioritising...
This inevitably results in me getting distracted (in a good way!) and finishing projects.. or in the case of this BIG papermache letter  START & FINISH a project!  I bought it in New York a while ago (along with a matching M (for Matt))... I decided the time had come to decorate it - its been through a plane journey and two house moves I think it deserves to be prettied up! lol

I've laid it out here with a smaller a J I decorated a while back (its a wood shadow box design) - it was a sort of trial run...

This big J measures around 2ft from top to bottom and is about 2inches deep - its quite sturdy and suitable for stamping on to... so that's what I did!
I stamped all over the front and sides starting with the big images - my JOFY big doodle flowers were great for this!

I then filled in the spaces with smaller designs - leaves, flowers, cicles.  I left enough space between images for a bit of doodling, I 'grew' some of the images by doodling around the edges - you can see how in the photos below.

I stamped in Snowflake Fresco Finish paint because its a REALLY good white opaque paint, and added additional doodling with a Uniball Signo pen.
I like to doodle in white or black because those two colours are easy to match between different mediums ie black pen with black paint.. I think a blue or brown would be trickier to match up.

I enjoyed working on this project so much!  It was a little tricky to stamp over the edges and around the curves of the letter but the end result was worth it... thoroughly recommend giving this a go - you could doodle onto any object really.

Thanks for stopping by, stay safe.


6 April 2020

Oooh look what's new!

New stamps and stencils...

All products are available at your PaperArtsy stockist - a listing of shops can be found here on the PA blog along with all the details about the release.

Take care, stay at home, stay safe.


1 April 2020

Coming to a craft room near you!....

These are strange times we're in at the moment aren't they. I hope you and yours are keeping well and safe. The Covid-19 restrictions mean that I can't travel to teach workshops, and you can't travel to attend workshops so how about we meet in the comfort of our own homes and on screens... I was booked to teach a workshop at LOOBI CRAFTS this coming weekend but this was unfortunately cancelled due to the CoronaVirus restrictions.... SO, Loobi Crafts and I thought we'd bring the creativity to you and offer it as an online Facebook live workshop!! It will start at 10.30am Saturday morning (04.04.20) and run for 90 minutes (maybe longer). This is a lovely project that can used as home decor or in art journals - paints, stamps, stencils & there's a touch a glitter (lets face it we could all do with a bit of sparkle and glitter to brighten our days at the moment couldn't we!).... did I mention there will be NEW stamps being used??
I would love for you to join me - head on over to the LoobiCrafts website ( ) for more details and to sign up! Once you've signed up you'll receive an invite to a Facebook group where the workshop will be streamed. I look forward to 'seeing' you on saturday!
Take care, stay home, stay safe.

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