Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

6 February 2007

Drum Roll Please..............

Here it is... in my hot little hands... Somerset Wedding 3... the issue where my work 'graces' the cover (their words not mine!).

Cue self indulgent photos:



  1. Anonymous10:10 am

    Wowee, I've had a good look at those pics and what you made is absolutely gorgeous. You must be so proud of yourself, both for doing all of that for the occasion, and for getting it in the mag. What a complete memory package you have there.
    I'm so pleased for you, well done.

  2. Jo,
    You should be proud. I was fortunate enough to spend time looking through the magazine and I was in awe of all the time and effort and creativity that you put into your wedding. I am sure it was lovely and being published in Somerset was just the icing on the cake. Well done to you. I am glad I have come across your blog and look forward to seeing more of your fabulous artwork

  3. Anonymous8:40 am

    It's very lovely, Jo, and congratulations for getting such noted recognition! SharonP (Minneapolis, USA)

  4. Anonymous8:41 am

    Congratulations Jo. I'm not surprised your work was published - it's stunning! Well done you. Chris x

  5. Anonymous8:42 am

    Congratulations Jo....well done you..!!...the pics look fabulous, you
    certainly deserve to be in there. Its lovely to hear of artists work being
    published way to go..!!


  6. Anonymous8:59 am

    Comments lifted from the group pages:

    Wow Jo - many congratulations, that is really wonderful
    Hilda G

    LOVE your work in there Jo...flipping immaculate! must have taken you ages!
    Trish xx (Latimer)

    Nice work Jo!! ... There's a lot
    of hard work in there which you have every right to be proud of...
    well done!!!

    Jo, Congratulations! I love your work on your blog - how talented you are, with all those diff. things!

    Wow, how amazing to be on that cover! But how well deserved,
    absolutely gorgeous work, congratulations.
    Sara Sandberg

    WOWZERS, Jo! That is fabulous! I'd be so psyched to be on the cover
    of anything, and Somerset's publications are so well thought of, that's the pinnacle! Your work is incredible! Congratulations - you deserve to be proud, ...!

    Absolutely stunning wedding stationary Jo. I reckon you deserved the front page of SS.
    Ann Pennington


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