Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

8 February 2008

Books & Blooms

Ali Edwards featured a little scrapbook in her new (excellent) book using alphabet address tabs and this is my take on it.. its going to feature my favourite things under the relevant letter, but also its going to have lists:
When I can't sleep I pick a subject and try to find a word relevant the subject starting with each letter of the alphabet - its very calming and is very good at getting me back to sleep! Try it! And think how prepared you'll be for the next fun quiz!! lol
(but sometimes the process backfires - when you can't find a word for a certain letter ... and I've been told (by M) that waking your dh up in the middle in the night to ask for a suggestion for a country beginning with the letter X is not acceptable! lol )

I made these little flowers (unfinished) yesterday with my lovely little Cuttlebug! The more I use the Cuttlebug the more I like it.

The CB is really versatile - I'm feeding all types of things through it just to see if it works with them!!
My current challenge - and I won't be beaten - is to try and emboss with the machine and tradional brass embossing stencils... word is that you use the CBs embossing mat but it is SO hard to feed it through I'm frightened the pressure will break the machine.. I fed the suggested plates through a while ago and it all shot out of the other side of the machine with such force the plates shot across the room and hit the opposite wall !!!!!!!! Funny as it was at the time I don't think its the long time approach to the challenge... I've got a Wizard embossing mat which apperently works well... I'll let you kmow! lol

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