Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

26 September 2010

Poor little neglected blog!

It is isn't it - I feel like I haven't blogged for ages.... and thats 'cos I haven't! lol
Sorry about that - to the blog and to you lovely peeps out there who stop by.
There seems to have been so much going on - since the 16th September when I last posted (10 days! I should be ashamed! and even that was a quicky post) I have:
  • Demo'd the Letterpress at The Craft Barn which I enjoyed hugely - so many nice people came to the event over the two days.
  • Spent an evening at PaperArtsy HQ watching the Tim Holtz ticket sales - very exciting! Sold out in around 40 minutes! If you tried to get a ticket I hope you were successful and I look forward to seeing you there!
  • Spent 2 days teaching at Imagine That - both were Christmas classes - oh yes - Christmas!! (in case you're keeping track - its around 90 days away! eek!)
  • Made stuff and sold it a craft fair - which was yesterday - a bit chilly but a great day. Several of the Critters were sold and have gone to keep other people company.  Its good to get your stuff out there and to see people's reactions to it - its all part of the process, part of the learning.
  • been working on the ongoing preparations for this weekends Artisan show at Leamington - I'm going to be working on the make'n'takes at the PaperArtsy stand - make sure you stop by please, make'n'take and check out their great new products!
  • getting ready for the start of the College year when I start teaching a new course twice a week!
I think thats quite enough don't you!  Loved doing all of the above!

I like to include a photo on all my posts so here is a piccy from our trip to New York...
I try to photograph anything/everything that catches my eye (dh calls me 'two step' because he thinks I take a photograph every two steps lol) and shop windows are a constant source - these little mannequins were in shoe shop window - they only measure about 12 inches in height and I love that the clothes are made from folded paper!

Aren't they clever!  I really like shop displays like this.

16 September 2010

Christmas!!!!!! only 100 days away!! How is that possible?!?

Aaaanyhoo no time for contemplations about the passing of time - its my day over at Banana Frog and as its only 100 days to the big C (not to be confused with my big 40 which is ever looming (36 days and not really counting lol)) I've created an ATC advent thingymajigy over on the blog - click on the pretty picture underneath to visit

10 September 2010

Just when you thought ArtsyCraft Events couldn't get any better...

I love working at the ArtsyCrafts events with the uber talented Leandra (PaperArtsy) & Lin(LBCrafts) and their FABULOUS creative weekends... but now they've managed to outdo themselves... if you are drinking while reading this I suggest you put the drink down before you read on....(or spluttering or spillage may occur)

brace yourselves...

In February next year ....

wait for it...... drum roll please...

Tim Holtz will be coming to the UK and teaching classes at ArtsyCrafts! Oh YES!!

You heard correctly - Tim Holtz, the one and only is coming to town!

See - just when you thought AC weekends couldn't get better! There are obviously no ends to Leandra and Lin's talents!
I can't put these things better than Leandra so head on over to the PaperArtsy blog where you'll get all the fabulous details - DON'T miss out - its going to be sooooo good! 
I must be jetlagged because at the moment I can't explain in words how excited I am about this weekend - its going to be so good! SOOOOOOO EXCITING! (there, caps 'll do it everytime!) You'll just have to imagine me doing my happy dance in front of my computer with intervals of happy clapping!!! to a soundtrack of overexcited squealing!

Pace yourselves - go read all the details and get your payment details ready: tickets go on sale 8pm on Monday.

Good luck.  Hope to see you there.

Phew!! Trains, Planes and Automobiles

Its been a busier week than normal.  Last week I (and dh) took:
2 planes
subway rides
1 ferry
1 boat
and 1 helicopter (oh yes! a helicopter!)
all as part of our trip to NEW YORK - yes the city that really is SO GOOD they named it twice! It was one of those holidays that you have to have another holiday to get over and rest! lol

I'll show you some (not all) (not enough time!) of the best bits of the trip, and some of the photos of things that made me laugh or inspired.

No rest for the wicked though! - This weekend I'll be demo'ing the Letterpress kit at the Craft Barn's Extravaganza - Saturday and Sunday - if you're planning on coming please stop by and say hello! If you buy Craft Stamper (and why wouldn't you?!) the Letterpress is what my article in this month's issue is all about.  There are also a few other CS design team on the list of demonstrators so come and say hello, but please - no heckling or throwing of tomatoes! lol
And finally, and by no means least - Leandra at PaperArtsy has a secret (and its a big one!) and I don't think she can keep it to herself much longer. If you pop over to her blog this evening she might just share the secret with you .. or maybe she won't... she likes to keep everyone guessing.....
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