Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

5 November 2012

ah... the humble toast rack...

.... or alternatively 'when is a toast rack not a toast rack'....  I had been thinking of ways to stand stamp plates on my demo table so that they were easily accessible etc etc etc  *lightbulb* TOAST RACK!!! perfect size, easy & light to transport, easy to clean... not so easy to find! (especially if you are me who had an idea of the exact type of toast rack that was required (see above photo) and nothing else would do! lol)lol I have scoured the local charity shops - scoured I tell you lol (and now I have two the same! = happy crafter!)
Ta daaaaa:  Look how perfect they are stamp storage:
Please go and rescue the poor neglected toastrack from the back of the cupboard (or the back of your parents crockery cupboard which is where they are likely to be - these toast racks were popular wedding gifts in the 60s apparently!) dust it off and use it to stand your stamps in while you're working with them... perfect!


  1. Inspired - you will be altering them wont you??

  2. Tre bon!
    Happy toast racking
    O this has made me chuckle and such a good idea, wander if they have any on amazon LOL
    Happy craftin

  3. oh, they look familiar! saw someone using a toast rack to hold some art work whilst it was drying on a blog somewhere recently!

  4. Love the toast rack ! My parents have that exact same one -he he he ! Greta idea, keep up your lovely work :)

  5. Brilliant idea Jo, love it.
    Caz x

  6. what a brain you have, wasted on crafts you could be saving the world . . LOl

  7. Saw them in action at the weekend and great idea! Me thinks everyone will be clearing out kitchen cupboards trying to find something resembling a toast rack now. Unfortunately mine has a job already...storing my saucepan lids! So may mean a trip to the charity shop.
    Lynne xxx

  8. Yep my parents had one too. I'm sure I've seen v similar ones in a shop but can't remember where lol


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