Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

16 December 2012

More cards....

This card is a variation on the snowflake/present pile tags I created a few posts back- & I'm showing it to you so I can answer a question I've been asked.... which was about the ink I use for the snowflakes.  I use clear embossing ink and clear embossing powder over a white card - I find the clear embossing powder holds the detail of the image better (because it is finer).. (I'll have some other handy tips for you in the next couple of days...)
Here is a card using Mini-8 - the candle - this image is one of my favourites and I think it works so well with the 3 small candles on plate03..
I like how the 'ghost' images (tone-on-tone) fill in space on the background but aren't distracting... gives the card a lovely vintage feel...(makes me think of Dickens novels...)
I might put the Christmas crafting to rest now - except for when its used on wrapping of presents- I'd plan to pretty up gift cards/vouchers and there has been some great inspiration out on the web... I'll keep you posted...


  1. Beautiful cards, Jo, they are just lovely!

  2. Anonymous9:05 am

    Gorgeous!! I really hope I can buy some for next Christmas.

  3. Beautiful cards! Your stamps have given me a whole different vibe for my Christmas cards - thank you!

  4. beautiful cards Jo, I didnt get around to using my candle stamp this year but your bauble were well and truly used to the hilt. Looking forward to you next set of stamps .. mwah

  5. Love these cards Jo! I used your Tree stamp for some of my friends and so far they have been well received. I stamped on Kraft cardstock and then stamped trees on white paper from legal books!! Tee Hee!

  6. Gorgeous cards Jo, I agree love the Dicken's feel of the candles. Michelle x


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