Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

3 January 2013

Christmas is coming ...

..oh no, oops.... christmas has been and gone hasn't it!  I hope you all had a lovely time and that you were rewarded by Father Christmas for your good behaviour all year.  :o)
Christmas was special for us this year because it's the first time we have hosted christmas!!  I left home 17 years ago, been married for 7 years and so its a long time coming! And it was definitely our turn ... when we bought our house in July last year several family members said 'congratulations, all round to you for christmas then!' lol

So, in brief - here are the xmas photos I mentioned a few posts back and things I learned this christmas:

It was fantastic to have everyone in our home (cats may feel a little differently, but DH and I enjoyed it!) - but we forgot to take photos!

Everyone was asked to wear christmas sweaters (again we forgot to take a group shot.. shame we missed Ethans flashing nose lol).. but I did take these on the days before:
This is my sweater - candy canes made into a heart (such a romantic! lol) subtle apart from the back which is bold black and white stripes...:
Hubby's sweater makes me smile:  not bad for £12!! They had 2 red sweaters and about 50 blue ones...Matt bought the last but one red sweater and when we went back 90mins later to buy a blue one for my Dad they had all been sold! in an hour and a half!!

So my Dad made his own.....
..... based on one of my stamp designs - I love that he did that! So brilliant! He got the [imaginary] prize for best sweater!  :o)

I learned that if you are going play Pictionary make sure you have a small child on your team! They draw simple pictures that are instantly recognisable.... oh and make sure the person drawing knows what the word is - we had a misunderstanding with coral and corral that led to all kinds of confusion! lol so nice to sit around and play games - Jenga is always a winner!

My hubby did a great job feeding everybody - v proud of him!  I decorated our triangular conservatory for dinner - a bit of a challenge seating wise! lol 
.. and the prize for best packing goes to Gift Cards from B&Q - Genius packaging!

So there is there is the brief round up of my christmas... it also involved lots of card making, party games, fun times, a well earned brief rest oh and something that I haven't done for years... no.. decades!!
I sat on Father Christmas' lap!

I'll be back v soon with some exciting news about some JOFY stamps!



  1. Your Christmas sounds loads of fun!! Can't wait for the stamp news...

  2. Anonymous9:13 am

    Love your Dad's sweater! Glad you had a great time.


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