Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

17 June 2013

Father's Day was a happy day...

... it was also a busy day.. 2 Dads to visit...

First was a visit to Matt's parents....Matt's Dad - here's his card:
(I love paper piecing to decorate the boat - can alter the sail's patters to suit the person.)
Toddles the tortoise (oldest member of the family) put in an appearance - basking on the warm patio... wierd but wonderful creature lol
They have a peony bush in their front garden:
How beautiful and 'juicy' is that flower! Love it - I'm going to try and grow some of those! A garden full of those would make me VERY happy!

Then it was off to my parents.. here's my dads card:
 ... an easel card - I like how a normal single fold card can be adapted so simply into something dimensional... I love this PaperArtsy image.. and of course a button or two..
... I 'attacked' the stash for these letters (basic grey)

... and as we were leaving the youngest members of the family couldn't resist posing in our car....  COOL DUDES!!  lol
Not sure about the 4year olds driving abilities though - his legs barely reach the end of the seat let alone the pedals!

I hope you all enjoyed Father's Day...



  1. Two lovely cards and some fab photos too, thanks for sharing - love the look of the sailboat JOFY


  2. Great cards, love the photos - the boys made me smile!

  3. Cor..must be lovely to make cards for your lovelies with your own stamps on..wot a thrill!

  4. What cheeky chaps! Love the cards


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