ha - you thought I was going to say Christmas didn't you! .... I've had a day off from from christmas & embraced Halloween!.. I wanted to make something just for fun - a play day - and sometimes they are good days to have - however busy you may be - it clears the mind and something can always be learned from playing & experimenting...
There's been a halloween project idea buzzing around in my head for a while and it all came together this year - its not a big project... and after visiting a couple of places I got the inspiration I needed to put it in motion...
Inspiration 1: While I was at Birds in the Barn the other weekend I was inspired by the papers Sue had used on her beautiful projects - the lovely Graphic45 Steampunk Spells papers...

Earlier in the year I used the outside of a configuration box to make this project:
which meant I had lots of little boxes from inside left over, empty, waiting to be made into something or thrown away (and believe me I was very close to throwing them away!)... I happened to visit France Papillon's blog (while following a link for something else) and she'd used the same left over boxes to create a little hinged box....(thats Inspiration 2)
This was perfect for what I had in mind - little boxes to fill with spooky stuff and using up the now-frankly-just-getting-in-the-way-&-cluttering-up-the-place boxes. Bingo!
It looks like a mini trunk! (and we know how much I love a trunk... or two..)
I painted 2 boxes black, covered them with Graphic45 papers added a (surprising fragile) closure (I broke 2!!!)...
Here is the finished project - which surprisingly doesn't have any stamping on it! shock-horror!! none at all...
This is the front:
The hinge is a Tim Holtz pieces, the black elements are 'gold scrap' from my stash.. and the arms are from a skeleton I bought in Asda last year.. (Inspiration 3: Asda - its a great place for Halloween bits and pieces...)
The back:
.. has one of my favourite images - the cat - taken from a French Art Nouveau poster (Chat Noir cabaret?).. and because we have a slinky black cat :o)
The sides:
This is what I like about the papers - lots of different size versions of the same images - perfect for my little box 'trunk'
Inside things aren't quite so pretty..... mmmwaaaahhahahaaa (thats my evil halloween laugh!)
(and the cobweb 'material' is THE most evil element on the whole project - it sticks to EVERYTHING but not always what its supposed to!... evil I tell you! Use at your peril! lol)
So there you are... definitely NOT a christmas project!