Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

28 February 2014

All buttoned up....

... JOFY-stylee!   I may have mentioned once or twice how much I love buttons.. & an idea/plan has been bouncing around in my head for a while:  make my own buttons...

I bought a bag of inexpensive wooden buttons that seemed ideal for what I had in mind - nice size, the colours of the printed design was quite pale & they were smooth - no ridges around the edge -  ideal for sanding off/painting over.. so I chose several & lightly sanded them to give the wood a key ready to be painted.

Then I had a look through my JOFY stamps... JM34!! Perfect!

I painted the buttons with JOFY Limited Edition Dusty Teal Fresco Finish Paint in various tones. Next I stamped (using JM34) and painted the detail... 

...and here they are...happy little flower buttons..

 now I need to find/make a project to add them to..


26 February 2014

New teaching dates....

.... can be found on the 'Teaching/Demonstrating' page - press on the photo below to go there :o)

Contact the shops to book a place - I hope you can join me for some inky painty creative days..


25 February 2014

oooh I do love a day of demo'ing...

... and this Saturday (01 March - oh my goodness MARCH!!!) you'll find me at The Craft Barn where I'll be demo'ing my new PaperArtsy JOFY products - stamps, stencils and paints.. oh my!

I'm really looking forward to demo'ing the new products- I hope you can come along - it'll be lovely to see you.


I also have a workshop booked at The Craft Barn on 09 March:

"Get Stamping - This fab class is aimed at beginners and those who feel they are not getting the most out of stamping. You will learn how to stamp, how different ink pads work and when to use them, heat embossing, creating focal points and basic backgrounds"

Love to see you on that too - its nice to go back to basics sometimes!  


23 February 2014

TAG!! You're it!...

... and by  'it'  I mean winner!  Thank you for taking the time to leave comment - or 2 in some cases! lol....

The winning numbers picked at random were  5  &  28  ...

Comments at those numbers were made by  Gillian W & Sarah B  !! Yay!  Congratulations! You've won a set of the JOFY stamps - please send me an email (address in top left corner of screen - under my smiley face lol) with your choice of NEW stamps (sets 21-24) :o) and your address and I'll send you a set of stamps!   I'd love to see what you make with them!


... and because 'tag' is also an item we all love to craft on and pretty up.... (in best Blue Peter stylee) 'here's one I made earlier'..

Thanks again for joining in, leaving lovely comments and stopping by the blog.


20 February 2014

I've got it covered ....

... over on the PaperArtsy blog this evening...

click on the photo to take a look at the blog post....

Here's a little something made out of a rescued piece ... it started out as a one of the covers for the projects over on the PABlog post above... it went 'wrong'.... but it was too nice to throw it away (& I'd invested too much time on it) (& we all have pieces like that don't we??)(you're nodding aren't ..., from discarded book cover to decorative arch...

Created using the new PaperArtsy Chatsworth papers, Fresco Finish paints: Chalk, Amethyst, Tinned Peas, and JOFY stamps: JOFY13, 22, 24, JM40....


18 February 2014

Stitches 2014...

... was a whirlwind weekend - creative & inspiring!  Its a really good trade show - full of inspiring stands (Sizzix always creates a beautiful stand) and exciting new products...

On the Saturday myself and Lin Brown taught classes to PaperArtsy retailers (nice to put many faces to names) - a really fun day where the retailers made some lovely pieces using the new products that PaperArtsy are launching at the show...
 (Leandra came in and took this photo..)

Here is the morning class busy painting their projects...

... and here is the project I designed for them using the new JOFY Limited Edition Fresco Finish Paints, Stencils and of course new JOFY stamps

The PaperArtsy stand looked fantastic- lots of art boards of beautiful samples (of which I took very few photographs! very unusual for me!) opposite these products racks was a wall of art boards - very lovely:

The boards were all filled with amazing samples but these in particular caught my eye - top one is showing the new (beautiful) Lynne Perrella stamps:
 .. and these are misc samples.. love the rich red tones:

Lovely to see all the JOFY stamps and products on the stand.

Here are the beautiful JOFY artboards created by members of the PaperArtsy DT - thank you all (again) for your fabulous samples!

The last sample is by Liz - lovely coppery tones - warm and opulent... I'm not a fan of yellow but I love the flowers on this:

Not may photos of the show itself - sorry about that :o/ ... lovely to see everyone and to meet people in-real-life - not just through twitter etc... and now to get busy designing classes and projects with the new stamps...


13 February 2014

JOFY 2014...stamps & stencils & paints... oh my!!

.... thank goodness!  I can now show you my latest JOFY designs for PaperArtsy... (can't tell you how hard its been not to show you teeny tiny little sneek peeks here and there!... I'm almost at bursting point!

... and its not just stamps this time - the range has been widened to include stencils and paint!! This is all so exciting for me - I loved designing the stencils & the very lovely (in my humble opinion lol) paint.
Big thanks to the lovely supportive & encouraging Mr & Mrs PaperArtsy who work so hard to bring all these designs to you.

I hope these new products inspire you to get creative!... :o)

4 new A5 stamp plates... 8 new minis...

I designed an open alphabet so that can be used by scrapbookers, journalers, cardmakers and zentaglers - everyone hopefully!:


Lots of lovely new flowers that will co-ordinate with previous plates.. and a vase to put them in:











4 flower designs - great for colour, texture paste etc etc etc..  good weight of acetate - lots of exciting possibilities..




4 Limited Edition Opaque Fresco Finish paints...  oooh be still my paint loving heart!

All new JOFY stamps, stencils and paint will be available via your local stamp store in the coming weeks.  I hope you have fun with them.

If you came here directly, thank you, & I suggest you now head over to the PaperArtsy blog where DTGuestDesigners have created some gorgeous samples using the stamps stencils and paints...

Brand new stamps are exciting & I'd like to get you all inspired and creating - so leave a comment (before the 20th February) & two lucky peeps (picked at random) will win a set of new JOFY stamps.  
Good luck!  :o)



1 February 2014

15 February 2014: PaperArtsy {Retailer Training Day} at Stitches...

.... is where myself & Lin Brown will be teaching workshop for retailers..  I'm really looking forward to these workshops - very much!!
Lots of information about new products and ideas - Leandra has written a great blog post to tell you all about it- so if you're a retailer click on the image below to go to the PaperArtsy site, & we all look forward to seeing you at the show..

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