Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

18 February 2014

Stitches 2014...

... was a whirlwind weekend - creative & inspiring!  Its a really good trade show - full of inspiring stands (Sizzix always creates a beautiful stand) and exciting new products...

On the Saturday myself and Lin Brown taught classes to PaperArtsy retailers (nice to put many faces to names) - a really fun day where the retailers made some lovely pieces using the new products that PaperArtsy are launching at the show...
 (Leandra came in and took this photo..)

Here is the morning class busy painting their projects...

... and here is the project I designed for them using the new JOFY Limited Edition Fresco Finish Paints, Stencils and of course new JOFY stamps

The PaperArtsy stand looked fantastic- lots of art boards of beautiful samples (of which I took very few photographs! very unusual for me!) opposite these products racks was a wall of art boards - very lovely:

The boards were all filled with amazing samples but these in particular caught my eye - top one is showing the new (beautiful) Lynne Perrella stamps:
 .. and these are misc samples.. love the rich red tones:

Lovely to see all the JOFY stamps and products on the stand.

Here are the beautiful JOFY artboards created by members of the PaperArtsy DT - thank you all (again) for your fabulous samples!

The last sample is by Liz - lovely coppery tones - warm and opulent... I'm not a fan of yellow but I love the flowers on this:

Not may photos of the show itself - sorry about that :o/ ... lovely to see everyone and to meet people in-real-life - not just through twitter etc... and now to get busy designing classes and projects with the new stamps...



  1. Am in love with the 12 x 12 canvas with the birdcage under the page which has monkey on it, STUNNING Jo!!!

    Glad you had a great time, i am sure everyone who attended went home happy bunnies after playing with such amazing stamps and stencils.

    Two of your new paint colours remind me of Peacock Feather and Seedless Preserves DI, they are my favourite colours so need your paints, especially after seeing the samples :-) xxx

    1. Hi - you'd think that was 12x12 but its actually only 8x8 which makes it even more special! - the Birdcage panel was made by Liz Borer - beautiful.

  2. Can't wait to get to The stamp attic to buy mine. Looking forward to April Ally Pally to get even more. Sash don't tell my husband. X

  3. It was a fun weekend, thanks for all your hard work and lovely new stamps and stencils xx

  4. My pleasure - glad you enjoyed it. x

  5. All the samples are just fabulous - I love your new flowers, and am trying (unsuccessfully) to wait till pay-day to buy some more....!

  6. Jo, totally love your stamps. I went to purchase thru Simon Says as they list them but keep coming up 'out of stock' do you know if they plan to restock or do I need to purchase thru England store. I am in Australia and have not been able to find here.

    1. Hi.. Thanks - glad you like the stamps.
      The latest stamps have only just been released so may take a week or so to arrive at stockists.
      Several shops in Australia stock the range - try googling 'jofy stamps australia' - I did that & shops came up. Hope you can get them soon.

  7. Hi Jo, Looks a fun saturday - hope everyone enjoyed it ( Know I would have done:))
    I love ALL the samples! The tags and the birdy 8x8, (under the monkey one) are FAB-U-LOUS!!! And the best photo of em' all is all your stamps, stencils and paints lined up perfectly:D, The vase is still my favourite! WELL DONE.
    All my crafty love,
    Bracken xxx

  8. What a fabulous time that must have been for all the lucky people in your class. The artwork for all the new products is stunning so thanks for taking the time to post the pics. I can't wait for Ally Pally to see all the fab new stuff irl..... I'm going to have such a hard time sticking to my budget, lol! I've made a start with your paints but have to have the stencils and some stamps.

    Lesley Xx


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