Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

10 July 2015

PaperArtsy: New Products: Day 6

Tonight on the PaperArtsy blog is day 1 of new JOFY releases. Its so exciting - I've been so looking forward to showing you these new stamps....
Tonight its all about JOFY37.  You know the drill by now- click the badge to go to the blog post and tonight's video....

The original plan was that Leandra & I would be in the video together to talk you through the new stamps but unfortunately I haven't been very well and so Leandra will do her usual excellent job of taking you through the new stamps and fabulous samples made by my wingmen.

Speaking of wingmen - a big shout out and even bigger 'thank you' to (in no particular order) Kay Carley, Clare Charvill, Lauren Hatwell and Sue Carrington who created the gorgeous samples... 

I haven't been able to create much recently due to ill-health, but here are a couple of samples I made at a recent(ish) demo-day (tonight using JOFY37, JOFY 38 samples will follow tomorrow).... along with Clarence (the name I've given to the caterpillar on JOFY37, Cerys if you colour it in 'girly' colours lol) who was made for me by the talented Terri at The Craft Den, where the demo-day took place. 

How cool is he/she!! Thank you Terri :o)

This card makes me smile - I imagine the caterpillar is looking up at the butterfly and thinking "sigh, one day that will be me" lol    (The quote is from ELB06)

Here's a card I made using new stamps and an image from JOFY36, one of the 'French plates' which Leandra mentions in the video.  I designed these sketched stems to fit into the flowers on the stencil PS009,  but they also fit really well onto the flowers on Lin Brown's stencil PS013
PaperArtsy Stencil {JOFY} 009PaperArtsy Stencil 013 {ELB}

Here's the card - 2 colour blended stenciling, stamping and a the sentiment from JOFY37..  a lovely combination and a nice way to show how the collections can be used together.

I have enjoyed using the new sets and can't wait to use them more when I'm back to full art/crafting capabilities. :o)
I hope you enjoy the new stamp sets - see you back here (and at the PA blog) tomorrow for the JOFY38 and more lovely samples. 



  1. I love your stamps! Just seen the new releases on the PaperArtsy blog - I know what I'll be asking for my brithday! Your cards and creations are simply stunning and so inspiring.

  2. Wonderful stamps once again Jo and your wingmen did you proud! Love your own samples too. Love the little caterpillar and the one in your garden, lol! Hope you feel better very soon.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Lovely stamps and designs!! Will see them 'for real' at BiB soon - currently in Norfolk (weather sunny for a change! ) hope you are feeling better.

  4. Fabulous stamps and such fabulous samples form everyone. Love the toadstools, such fun! Ruth x

  5. Jo, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed playing with your fabulous stamps. Thank you so much for asking me to be on your team for this release. I had such a lovely time. NEVER in my wildest dreams have I EVER imagined I would get an email from YOU in my inbox.... I'm still wigging out about it.... Lx

  6. That caterpillar is very cute. Congrats on your new stamps. Hugz

  7. Fabulous new stamps Jo! I love your style and have done many a project using your stamps. Xx


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