Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

29 January 2016

New Year...

New Year... New top banner!

and then................. nothing... no new blog posts... no new class listings... no projects... I don't know why I'm telling you this - its really stating the obvious isn't! You all know there hasn't been anything... well, those of you who have popped by every now-&-then 'just in case' something has changed... so apologies to those who did that... (and thank you, of course, for stopping by)

but, I can assure you that while I haven't been here I haven't just been sitting on my behind somewhere else watching daytime TV twiddling my thumbs... oh no no no..

soon all the 'nothing' is going to change... soon there will be something....

.... quite a lot of somethings.. if all goes to plan..


  1. Looking forward to seeing the "something". x

  2. Ditto Sue! Can't wait!

    Lesley Xx

  3. Anonymous10:19 am

    Whatever it is..... Bring some of it to Worcestershire please! Now Wendy is gone from Wantage (I know that's not Worcestershire but worth the journey!!) you're hard to get to! X


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