Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

25 July 2016

ALBOTAT.. making the most of mail..

.... I'm talking about junk mail. 

I seem to receive mini brochures from clothing companies - most of which go in the bin but some of them are worth a quick flick through - you never know what gems might find and cut up...  The Boden catalogue is always full of great page titles (very useful for junk or art journaling), the Made (furniture company) catalogue is a great little fold out brochure and then there is...

the Hush catalogue... I like this one: nice paper, nice clean layout and the model in it has such a beautiful ethereal face - like an innocent yet cheeky fairy - (if Shakespeare's Puck from a Midsummer Night's Dream were to arrive in the 21st Century, or Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, then this is her) and so when the catalogue arrived recently I couldn't resist giving her a quick makeover... I let her spread her wings and take her place on a toadstool...

This is how it looked after five minutes with a Sharpie pen.... 
When I look again at the photo on the right, with the toadstool, - her expression seems to be saying "really! you sat me on a toadstool! I expected a throne!"  lol

Might as well make the most of the junk mail that comes through the door.... now where did I put the Boden catalogue and my scissors.....


9 July 2016

Our house....

... over at PaperArtsy this evening I have a blog post featuring 'paper piecing' - click on the photo below to go there...

After I'd finished making this project (using JOFY29) I had some bits and pieces left over (I always seem to make more than I need - I like to have choice!) and so not wanting to see them go to waste I created another little project..

This time its a simple card starting with stamping images in black onto a white card base to form a background:

.. and these are (some of) the leftovers:

Here is the finished card....
the eagle-eyed of you may notice I've replaced a couple of green branches with book text - and that's because the overall look was too 'green' - using the booktext neutralised it a little bit.

I love how this card looks - and how my houses look when they're stamped onto patterned paper.

I kept looking at this card and it reminded me on something.... maybe something way back had inspired me......

(I am a child growing up in England in the 1970/80s).  I like how Paddington is the only coloured (dimensional) element and everything else is flat/sketched..
(not that I am in any way shape or form comparing my stamps to the charm of the Paddington illustrations!)

Kids tv back when I was growing up was GENIUS!! but I suppose all generations think that don't they... I am a child of the Blue Peter generation!  (bring on the sticky back plastic!) (my husband even has a Blue Peter badge! (its not why I married him, obviously!))

Have fun with paper piecing - and don't forget to head over to the PaperArtsy blog to see what myself and all the other contributors have created for this theme.

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