Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

2 October 2016

Alphabet Colour Project:2 October's colour is...

.. BLACK ..

Oh black, you glamorous little beauty!...  you are my colour for October....

I like the colour black A LOT!  I have a black cat, a black car, a big portion of my wardrobe is black (covers a multitude of sins and goes with everything!)... so I'm really looking forward to this month.
May was the last month I looked at the Alphabet Colour Project which is not what I had planned (and believe me behind the scenes this is all planned out!) but life took over.. during the missing months of June, July, August & September there was a holiday, a new stamp release, and some quite serious medical treatment: I have Multiple Sclerosis and in August I underwent relatively new treatment for the condition- 5 days of infusions of the drug Lemtrada which will hopefully halt, but not cure, the condition (its the first treatment I have received for MS in the 19 years since diagnosis).... the treatment was quite debilitating so it wiped out August, September was spent catching up... which finds us here is October!
OCTOBER! Seems ridiculous to be October already! lol

aaaaanyhoo - I could go back and bring the colours and alphabet into October, starting where I would've in June... but I have decided to go with October as I already planned it...

Black is joined by the letters S & T - lots of ideas on the lists that I'm excited to think about.

I have a Pinterest board HERE of all things's a couple of my favourite images:

thieves will think twice? yeah, that's totally why I want this, that's why! #doors #knockers #doorknocker:
(image: pinterest/ultralinx)

and who wouldn't want a black squirrel in their garden!? That is a gorgeous little rodent!:
Black Squirrels were imported to Kent, OH from Canada. Love seeing Black Squirrels in Leland.:
(image: pinterest/arkinspace)

I'm off to think about the colour black, and the letters S and T - if any of you lovely visitors can think of any techniques or equipment to add to the lists please drop it in a comment and I'll add it to the list!

Thanks for stopping by




  1. Does spritzing count? Hope you are recovered now? See you are at BiB soon on a demo day!

    1. yes it does! I will add it to the list! Look forward to seeing you at BitB - its been a while! (and hopefully the christmas department will be up and running! ho ho ho!

  2. Good to know that there is some small glimmer of hope for MS sufferers! Hope you are recovering well! October looks like an interesting month - love black- but don't like Halloween!

    1. Yes, they are very hopeful that Lemtrada/Alemtuzumab will do well for people.... fingers crossed.
      Sorry - there will be a 'bit' of Halloween this month! :o)

  3. Looking forward to seeing some black projects.. lots of inspiration there, clear the decks and get crafting?!! I hope the treatment helps you and others.

    1. Thanks Helen, everyone is very hopeful about Lemtrada/Alemtuzumab - including me!
      'clear the decks' !!! lol - have you seen my desk?! - its never 'clear'! (and if it is it'll be because I've put everything on the floor! lol)

  4. Hi Jo, so sorry to read that you suffer with MS, but glad to read that the new treatment offers hope in delaying the affects of the condition. Your positive attitude and general joie de vivre no doubt help too. May your remission periods be lengthy ones.

    I love black and have many items of black clothing all in various shades.

    How about seed beads, spools, spatulas, a TODO machine...

    Bought one of your new stamp sets while at a Kay Carley class hosted by the Craft Barn. I must have over 20 of the sets now (shhh! don't tell hubby or the bank manager :-))

    Seen any of the Spandau guys lately?

    Take care and hope to see you in 2017, hugs Pauline xx

  5. Well sorry Jo, but S has to equal Shortbread, and T, well Tea to go with it!!! All whilst contemplating processes. You could have a rainbow for the months missed, lucky dip, ie pink buttons, green string.
    Hope you are doing well post treatment, and it helps.


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