Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

30 May 2018

"I just don't have anything to wear..."

... or "lets play dress-up!"...

Today I have a fun project over on the PaperArtsy blog - the current theme is Paper Dolls and my project is a nod to our (my) childhood...

Go HERE to read all about it.

Also - can I just say a BIG 'thank you' to my Dad who made the furniture featured in the blog post - originally made for me (and my Sindy doll) when I was a child... there is also a four-poster bed and dressing table! Gorgeous, and my mum sewed bed drapes and bedding - a very talented pair! x


25 May 2018

Love Life canvas workshop....

... at Keep on Crafting Bury St Edmunds!

This workshop on the 9th June is a lovely one (even if I do say so myself! lol)... You can work with the colours I've chosen (as shown in the sample above) or choose your own.  The same goes for the words - if you don't want to use Love/Life then you could, for example, choose a name or another word (as long as its short - not discombobulated or something equally as long! lol)

If you fancy a lovely painty, inky, stampy day then contact the shop on 01284 701101 or to book your place.

Hope to see you there


13 May 2018

#The100dayproject / #100daysinthelifeofaline

On April 3rd 2018 I, like lots of other people on Instagram, started the #the100dayproject.  We committed to making something for 100 days and posting our progress up on Instagram.

I agreed (with myself) that I would take part in the 'project' as long as it was 'simple' and 'doable'... and it would be something that I would only post on Instagram... but its seems a shame not to put an update on my (slightly neglected) blog every so often.

The project is now a third of the way through, and earlier this week I made a very quick video to show how my project was coming a long... or maybe that should be 'how long' my project is getting!
You see my project is a 10x10cm concertina book of 100 pages, which I made myself (so much for keeping it simple but I really enjoyed making the book so it wasn't too much of a hassle).  A continuous drawn line will run across the 100 pages - each page is different - sometimes they will be linked in someway and sometimes they will stand alone - but they will always be joined by the line. At the end of the 100 days it will measure 10metres!

Its like a Slinky (remember those?!) made out of paper!

Some of the connected, pages...

Some of the stand-alone pages...


So here's the video (please excuse the wobbliness - simultaneously walking, talking and videoing (while bent over!) is quite tricky! lol)

You can see all the pages on my Instagram pages at @jofyjo and at the end of the project I'll do another (hopefully less wobbly!) video.

You can see all the other #the100dayproject artists by searching the hashtag on Instagram - go take a look as there are lots of great projects out there!

Thanks for popping by!


Flat pack / Self assembly canvases!


I've received several inquiries about where you can buy the flat pack canvases that I've used in recent classes.

Following my recent workshop at The Artistic Stamper (Faversham, Kent) they currently have the canvases in stock.  Jennie, the owner, won't be listing them online but if you would like to buy one or two (she has them in both A5 and A4 size) please drop her an email at

When they come into stock at other shops I'll try and update you.

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