During December I made a 'Christmas Alphabet' book. This was an idea I had stemming my alphabet game (when I can't sleep I pick a subject and find things to do with that subject for every letter of the alphabet (I may have mentioned this before) (eg: countries: Albania, Belgium, Canada, Denmark etc etc etc you get the idea). Then I heard a song by Dickie Valentine called the 'Christmas Alphabet' that is THE most retro, heartwarming christmas song I've heard in a while - it topped the Christmas music charts in 1955 (way before my time! lol) - look it up - its totally charming - I warn you though - its an earworm. I apologise in advance.
I made this book (5x7inches) as a way of working on a Christmas project without actually documenting christmas. I got as far as 19 letters which I think is pretty good! I stopped because I set a time limit - not because I couldn't think of anything to do with certain letters - though Q was, and still is, a bit tricky! (so if you think of something please let me know, add it to the comments. Thanks!)
I posted all the pages on Instagram but I wanted to put them on my blog too - so here it is - my Chritsmas Alphabet!
A: Angel
B: Baubles

C: Candles
D: Donkey, Decorations,..... ??
E: Elf
F: Father Christmas
G: Gift
H: Holly
I: Ice Skating
J: Jingle, Jolly (I was struggling with this letter and then DH said 'er, how about Jesus?!' Oh my goodness how could I have forgotten the main reason for christmas! Shamed, straight onto the naughty list.)
K: Kings ('we three kings of orient are....')
L: ??
M: Mittens, Mistletoe, Mincepie
N: Naughty or Nice
O: Ornaments
P: Poinsettia
Q: ???
R: Reindeer/Rudolph
S: Snow
T: Tree
U: Us (yes, I was stretching the christmas theme with this one but due to Covid restrictions (we're in Tier 4) it was just the two of us this christmas so I felt it was justified.
V: ???
W: Wreath
X: Xmas
Y: Yule log
Z: was going to be lots of little Zs to illustrate sleeping - inspired by 'twas the night before christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse....'
Thanks for stopping by.