Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

1 January 2021

Christmas Alphabet


During December I made a 'Christmas Alphabet' book.   This was an idea I had stemming my alphabet game (when I can't sleep I pick a subject and find things to do with that subject for every letter of the alphabet (I may have mentioned this before) (eg:  countries: Albania, Belgium, Canada, Denmark etc etc etc you get the idea).  Then I heard a song by Dickie Valentine called the 'Christmas Alphabet' that is THE most retro, heartwarming christmas song I've heard in a while - it topped the Christmas music charts in 1955 (way before my time! lol) - look it up - its totally charming - I warn you though - its an earworm. I apologise in advance.

I made this book (5x7inches) as a way of working on a Christmas project without actually documenting christmas.  I got as far as 19 letters which I think is pretty good!  I stopped because I set a time limit - not because I couldn't think of anything to do with certain letters - though Q was, and still is, a bit tricky! (so if you think of something please let me know, add it to the comments.  Thanks!)

I posted all the pages on Instagram but I wanted to put them on my blog too - so here it is - my Chritsmas Alphabet! 
A: Angel

B: Baubles

C: Candles

D: Donkey, Decorations,..... ??

E:  Elf

F: Father Christmas

G: Gift

H: Holly

I: Ice Skating

J: Jingle, Jolly (I was struggling with this letter and then DH said 'er, how about Jesus?!' Oh my goodness how could I have forgotten the main reason for christmas!  Shamed, straight onto the naughty list.)

K: Kings ('we three kings of orient are....')

L: ??

M:  Mittens, Mistletoe, Mincepie

N: Naughty or Nice

O: Ornaments

P: Poinsettia

Q: ???

R: Reindeer/Rudolph

S: Snow

T: Tree

U:  Us (yes, I was stretching the christmas theme with this one but due to Covid restrictions (we're in Tier 4) it was just the two of us this christmas so I felt it was justified.

V: ???

W: Wreath

X: Xmas

Y: Yule log

Z:  was going to be lots of little Zs to illustrate sleeping - inspired by 'twas the night before christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse....'

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Happy and healthy New Year! I adore your designs and creations, you are hugely talented 😊. L for lights? Love your beautiful book, thanks for sharing ⭐️🏆

  2. Loved looking at your Christmas journal pages as they were released on Instagram Jo! How about Queen (for her speech) or Queue (in the supermarket) for Q? I'm glad you're going to start blogging again. I particularly enjoy learning step by steps from a blog post and they're so much easier to find again in comparison to facebook! I really want to get mine going again so maybe I'll join you. Have a few commitments until March that will take up a lot of my spare time but maybe after that! Thanks for all your inspiration. My collection of JOFY stamps and stencils is building quite nicely now. Happy New Year ~ Stef x

  3. This is awesome... what a GREAT idea. I may have to try it, if you don't mind that is.
    Words for Q are a bit tricky... I think of quiet, quick, quip, quality, quandary, quince... quote might be a word to use... a Christmas Quote?
    Thank you for sharing and please stay safe. Happy New Year.


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