Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

27 October 2009

PC still broken...

.. and is at the PC World hospital where they will hopefully be able to bring it back to life along with all the information stored inside! fingers crossed.
so this is me posting from my bro & S-i-l's pc, while half watching J playing Wii tennis and half listening to E chuckle his way through his dinner!

At least there is an upside (small one) to the PC being broken - I have time to do more constructive and creative things than wandering around the www! lol I just can't show you what it is ...'cos I don't have a computer!!!! aaaaargh!

btw - I've just spent 2 great weekends working at the ArtsyCrafts 'retreats' - more planned for next year - check out the PaperArtsy & LB Crafts blogs for more details later in the year.... (and check their sites and blogs to see what was done at this one!)

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