Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

30 April 2010

SPRING!!?!!...its a blog hop! here... hopefully, ... fingers crossed, ... wind in the right direction (but not the wind bringing the ash cloud - enough said about that on here already! lol)

Spring is lovely - all the buds are coming up and out, and even the weeds are worth a photograph!

Aaaanyhoo - in honour of Springs arrival and to make it feel welcome and encourage it to stay Banana Frog has picked SPRING as its theme for this months Blog Hop (drum roll please)

So if you're here on your trip around the Lilypond or are a regular visitor : welcome!
Here is my 'spring' themed project:

These were created by making a really simple masterboard panel - a wave of stamped flowers (super dreamy stamp set) with spots (Shimelle's background set) stamped underneath, over-coloured with distress inks (green).. Simples as the tv meerkats would say.

The cards have been embellished with gems & pearls (gotta have some bling!), paper flowers (never seem to run out of these however much I use them.. lol), and stickles (love the stickles!).
Card,bottom right photo: I shaded the petals of the orange flower to add a bit more colour.

The stamps sets I've used to create these cards are:
Super Dreamy,  Simple Greetings and Backgrounds by Shimelle

Thanks for visiting:  its been nice having you here, please leave a comment - you could win a prize!

Your next lilypad to visit is Katy's

Enjoy the rest of your visits!

23 April 2010

flowers, bags and an MGM star...

A few good things have come from this whole Ash-cloud-stopping-holiday 'fiasco':

* we have time to paint the outside of the house (actually when I say 'we' I mean DH will have time...)(chuckle)
* I'll have time to paint the back fence in the garden (and I mean 'I')
* I had time to baby sit nephew number 4 (such a cutie, funny little chap) who then gave me these (how gorgeous are the colours!):
* I was available to see Debbie Reynolds in concert at our local theatre... I was really disappointed that we'd be on holiday when she was in town - but see: every cloud has a silver lining! lol  bought the ticket at 7.50pm and she came on at 8.00pm! rofl  I do like to cut these things fine don't I (especially as I thought the concert was the 23rd not the 22nd!! eek almost missed that one!)(and I was brave and went by myself - M was not coming with - no way jose! not after the Art Garfunkel concert: red hot pokers in his ears would have been preferable apparently! rofl)
Sorry about the very dodgy photo - but I chose this one because it shows her in front of a screen playing 'Singing in the Rain' which she's in and that is one of my all time favourite films. I do love an MGM musical!!!
aaaaanyhoo - a very entertaining evening - she still has a great voice... slightly mad but a great voice!

Yesterday I altered a waitrose bag that I'd had my eye for a while thinking that I could make it look prettier than it was:
I like it - linen, buttons, sewing and an applique bird (Prima) - though less gathering of the base fabric (white linen) next time...

Thats it for today I think - the scaffolding for house painting has just arrived so I'd better go take a look..... and its such a gorgeous day - I might go and paint the fence!

20 April 2010


... is happening next month - check out PaperArtsy's and LB Crafts' blogs for more details... I spent yesterday at PaperArtsy HQ working on the projects - and they are FAB.U.LOUS - if you are booked on either of the weekends start getting excited NOW as you are going to love it!!

17 April 2010

What no holiday??!!

You know how a few years ago the trains here in the UK were held up and disrupted due to the 'the wrong type of snow'?  Well now planes can't take off and fly because of the wrong type of cloud!!

You couldn't make this stuff up could you!

I would make more light of it but I'm sitting here looking at 2 cases full of holiday clothes, passports and tickets for 2 weeks in Mexico....

excuse me while I go and unpack the cases......

16 April 2010

Banana Frog day....

My project of the day over on the blog is one of my more simple- but its quite versatile - go take a look.....

13 April 2010

What no stamping?

Nope, none at all!!  ...on this card I made my mum for Mothers Day - just lots of die cutting/ embossing.. that butterfly die is a complete bitch to work with but worth it!  It has a blue finish of 'something' which is really thick, makes the die hard to go through card stock (or even paperstock) and comes off when it does.. gggrrrr) I'm considering taking paint stripper to it....

12 April 2010

mmm nice!...

ooh feast your eyes on these lovelies.... or if you don't like buttons look away NOW!
I sat down the other evening and sorted my buttons into colour jars..(yes maybe I had too much time on my hands that evening! lol) (but I found it very relaxing.. ) normally I keep them in jars sorted by brand but I suddenly realised it makes much more sense to store them like this.. but that was really hard for me to do - to split the brands up and just see them as colours of buttons... they are now just a big lovely button stash.. Nice ... VERY nice!!
I really like the yellow/orange group which suprised me because I don't like yellow very much...

This is just the new buttons - there are several other cookie jars with old, vintage and gifted buttons to be gone through yet!  I might keep those seperated from the new ones.. don't know yet - I'll sort them into colours jars and then decide whether to combine them or not.. decisions... decisions....

In the meantime I'll just sit back and admire them.. maybe run my fingers through them... .. or line them up in rows of light to dark.. or possibly go and find something more constructive to do.. lol

5 April 2010

NEW PaperArtsy Stamps.....

PaperArtsy have some lovely new stamps out this month - these quick cards are made with the 'Flora and Fauna' stamps and the 'Rum and Raisin' paper packs.  The colours on these are more muted/pale than I would normally use but I'm working on a completely different project that is really quite vibrant and so these were a bit of a counterbalance I think.  These were really quick cards made from explorations I was having using the new stamps... going to be used a lot I think!
I also have the two new 'hot pick' sets - more 'stuff' made with those at a later date.......

4 April 2010

All good things must come to an end....

... but sometimes they end too soon don't they!
Yesterday - Saturday - was my last class at Card Inspirations ... actually its the last class ever at Card Inspirations as they'll be closing their shop doors at the end of the month.

This is sad because
1) its always sad when a good, friendly shop closes
2) I've really enjoyed teaching for them over the last 2 and a half years.  It was a great team to be part of and a really nice place to work... the ladies I've taught have been a pleasure and I will really miss it. 

So thank you to everyone who made being there so enjoyable- I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

L to R:  Some of the CI team:  Sarah, Me*, Lynn, Christina and Katrina
* (looking a bit red nosed because I got a bit teary when I left! lol)
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