Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

16 June 2010

Banana Frog day & WOYWW

The past week has been a lot of this'n'that and today was no exception...

* finishing my Project of the Day for Banana Frog which you can see here - the card on the left is a taster.

* jumping up and down for five minutes with excitement (mixed with slight terror) because I was accepted to have a stall at Village Green 2010

* Opening the post to find nice, v nice, things inside! (I love when its not bills! lol)

* another stint at the studio for Art Trail

* time spent in garden, part of which was trying to teach Bertie cat that chasing butterflies (while v entertaining) is NOT acceptable.

* weighing up what is more interesting/better use of time this evening: going to a private view or more getting-ready-to-move tasks... mmm thats a toughie.... Not!

*fighting with the PC and new printer .. why are these things never as simple as they seem - or should be! lol

*and finally photographing my desk to show to the WOYWWers out there.. I'm waving at you - yes YOU   :o)
So, its quite tidy today - please note the essential cup of coffee, my favourite ink pad - large archival and general..erm..stuff...  and check out that big piece of white - thats the worksurface!! tadaaa!!

.. and not a cat in sight!


  1. I love the card with the bird cages on it. It is awesome.

    Sounds like some pretty awesome news about getting a stall at Village Green. Not sure what it is, but I bet all your other readers will.

    Poor Bertie. Sounds like he's in a bit of hot water. Have a great WOYWW.

  2. Very nice card Missy, and you beat me to it this week! LOL. Leandra

  3. Nice to see the essentials....cuppa and phone at hand and enough white space to craft in :-)
    A x

  4. Beautiful card with the bird cages but then again all your artwork is beautiful. Great news about the stall, hope all goes well. Have a good evening, Tracy Evans x

  5. Soyou're going to take on the BSCo and move your own room. Yep. You're mad. And I sahll see to it that a doctor visits if there's white space next week...! Love what you did with the BFrog.

  6. love the card...what is village green?

  7. Fab cards and Banana Frog post. Sounds like you've been a little bit busy...great news about the Village Green stall, hope you have lots of fun!


  8. Great card, how come there's desk actually showing this week?!!

  9. excellent desk :) mine WAS clean and tidy..not any more ! lol

  10. Anonymous8:29 am

    Beautiful card and I love your desk! S x

  11. I love that cute bird in the cage stamp and what a fab card!!

    I love 'nice' post

    Chris xx

  12. Lurve that card. Kraft is sooooooooooo effective :).


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