Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

2 June 2010


phew - just about scraping in... not much to show this week (can't show actually 'cos what I'm working on is going for publication) but Bertie has made more than 1 appearance on the desk today so here his is in all his desk snooping glory - hunting for cotton buds (he loves a cotton bud does our Bertie! wierd)
Sorry about the picture quality - taken by the phone camera...  and also don't be too concerned about his lack of tail - he does  have a perfectly normal one but was swooshing it side to side so fast (!?) the camera could catch it lol
And yes, for the eagle eyed among you, that is a scalpel and a pair of scissors he's almost sitting on but please be assured that no animals were harmed as part of this WOYWW.   lol
WOYWW has been going for a year! YAY for everyone who has been brave enough to show us their creative mess sorry desks.  Head on over to here to see the list of everyone who joined in this week and/or to see what this WOYWW is all about.


  1. lol he's so cute, it does look like he has a ghost tail. I imagine him to be very helpful with your creating lol

  2. Ha. I waited and waited for you. Stalking. There you are at the witching hour! Typical!
    Bertie is a Milo clone isn't he?

    Your flicky piccies are nice on the side bar BTW, much nicer than your desk which, to be honest, is letting you down a bit this week! (ducking for cover)

    I really don't deserve your help with the shed.

    Did you see the airshow on Monday down your way?



  3. Had to laugh about Bernie's tail. Bleubeard is the same way. He won't sit still long enough to get a good shot and he looks like a blur most of the time. It was good that you made it in under the wire on this special WOYWW. Hope your day was great. Your desk has a lot going on, that's for sure.

  4. Hehehe a scalpel and a cats wagging tail. The end could have been sooooo different. Manx cats are very popular you know :-)
    A x

  5. Glad you made it at last! Thanks for the heads up at the weekend about the Banana Frog blog hop, cos I won a prize!

  6. great desk with added cat! be warned woyww is addictive!

  7. That Leandra's either got some nerve or a point.....she said stirring the bucket furiously! Glad tosee that whatever you're working on, it nvolves bling. And thanks to Bertie, 'twill be warm bling!

  8. Awww what a lovely Bertie on your desk.... are you sure you can help Leandra?!! lol

  9. Yeah you made it....did it have something to do with Leandra "tweeting" on all day??
    Bertie is fab...!


  10. So much gorgeous stuff to look at in your slide shows - I will be back! Happy WOYWWAnniversary

  11. lovely crafty stuff and sweet pussy cat!!

  12. love your cat - he is very close to the scissors!

    random word was catom - how fitting!

  13. Hi Jo - had to laugh about the cotton bud story - because my dog fishes them out of the bedroom and bathroom bins and eats the ends... and yes, he prefers used ones (Euk)...

    Paula x x x

  14. Bit late with my visit ... so I shall snoop quietly :0) Is Bertie sitting on mine and Karen's colour charts *LOL*

  15. What a gorgeous kitty cat!

  16. Thanks for sharing your craft place !!!

    Peggy xx

  17. Love Bertie ...has he got any white? ... our Phoebie has 6 hairs under her chin lol

    Love those hot pick stamps above.

  18. Ooooh Lovely workspace!

  19. The cat really doesnt want us to see whats on your desk lol. Great photo and it looks like you have lots of goodies to play with.
    Thanks for sharing


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