Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

30 July 2012

I grew this!

Last year I planted Hollyhock seeds... I love hollyhocks - they are remind me of English cottage gardens.
Planting the seeds was a bit of a gamble for several reasons:
1.  I'm not know for my plant tending abilities
2.  It was a mixed bag of seeds and so I had no idea what colour the flowers would turn out to be (would be HUGELY disappointed if they turned out yellow) (not a big fan of yellow!)
3.  We were only renting the property and so my little plants would have to survive in plant pots

but I was good - I watered them - I bought a little green house and put them in them in there - I kept them warm over the winter..
...and my efforts have been rewarded....
...drum roll please....

Taaaa daaaaa:
Who said   "is that it?!"   lol

I grew this!! (ok, yes Mother Nature a bit to do with it too...) This is my hollyhock!!  & ITS NOT YELLOW!!!!! woop woop!!!  How beautiful is that colour!  I can't tell you how excited I was when that came out!!

... it even survived the freak hail downpour we had yesterday...

Its only a little plant but I'm very proud of it! and its got more buds coming...

OK, got to come back in from the garden - I've got rooms to sort out and crafting to do.

Take care


  1. Well done you - it's a gorgeous pink!

  2. Well done you, its a gorgous colour. don't forget to save the seed for next year, so you can get more. Francesca xxx

  3. Fabulous colour, I've got this one too.
    Caz x

  4. Ooo lush!
    Happy craftin


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