Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

1 October 2012

Christmas! JOFY stylee...

I am really excited to share something I've had in the pipeline for the last few months..

Fanfare & Drumroll please: 
I've designed rubber stamps!  :o)

JOFY is a line of stamps I have designed in collaboration with the lovely & ubertalented PaperArtsy.  I've been on their design team for quite a while and so its a pleasure to be designing stamps for them- I love their existing stamp lines & the quality of the stamp production is second to none... and they're great fun people too!

I really enjoyed designing this very festive collection- once I got going on the theme it was hard to stop! Even when I was designing in the scorching summer heat - remember the couple of days we had?! lol. The designs are light-hearted, informal and perfect for all kinds of crafting- cardmaking, scrapbooking etc etc etc. and with all kinds of different media...
There are lots of designs in the set - baubles, stars, snowmen, trees, sentiments and of course there had to be bunting.. and a button or two...

The collection is made up of eight Mini sized designs:

... and 8 A5 sized plates:

If these don't get you in the Christmas Spirit I don't know what will!

Over the next few weeks I will be posting samples of what I have made with the stamps to hopefully inspire you to create with them too - I'm really excited to see what people create with the designs. :o)

You can see coloured versions of the designs over on the PaperArtsy Blog where there is also a blog candy give away.  Stamps will be shipping from PaperArtsy 9 October.

Next Saturday I will be at The Craft Barn demonstrating the stamps, and teaching a class with them on Sunday 09 December. 
Or you can come along to Imagine That in Upminster on the mornings of wednesday 10 October, and saturday 24 November... contact the shops to book place
Please come along for further inspiration and a bit of festive fun....


  1. Anonymous10:38 am

    Wonderful effort babe, I'm very proud of you....Mx

  2. How blummin' exciting and they are truly gorgeous! So proud of you!

  3. Well as I said yesterday, I want the lot!! As if I don't already have 100's of Christmas stamps - but these are FAB in big shouty capitals!!

  4. Way to go Jo!!! I am soo pleased your secret is finally out, thought I was going to burst with your excitement!!! The designs are all fabulous, you clever, clever girl......huge congratulations.

    With much love Lin x

    P.S. Wish I had hand writing likes yours, I'm dead jealous!!!

  5. Woop woop. Toot toot to you! Thanks for sharing bonkers bits of you with us! A most enjoyable experience dahhling. .....even if it means headless snowman we're backing you all the way!

    So the new year designs will be on my desk next week right???


    Leandra xx

  6. Congratulations! Saw them on Leandra's blog - they are just amazing (and I love the colours). Looking forward to seeing your samples and hope to buy some ASAP.

  7. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Congratulations Jo. Christmas cards will love your stamps.

  8. Wow, love them all. Can't wait to see what you do with them. You are going to make me poor.


  9. Congratulation Jo, on your fabulous collection.
    I bet you were bursting to tell everyone but you did a great job on keeping mum.

  10. Oh now how fab these are, how exciting for you, and us, actually! there isn't a single image I wouldn't like to have...brilliant stuff Miss Jofy!!

  11. The secret that would not be told is out! Well done you, you must be really proud. Congrats. Love francesca

  12. Anonymous12:01 pm

    Well done you clever ol' sausage!!

    Debs xxx

  13. Anonymous6:37 pm

    Go Jo, go girl. Love the stamps. Wish you every success with them.

  14. Huge congrats Jo, each & every one of them is fab, all of the traditional elements you expect to see but in a cool quirky design ... bravo :)

    Would you look at that some have already fallen into my basket lol ... well it would be rude not to right!!! x

  15. I'm so proud of you and my god these are good, love them all, well done BIG SMILEY FACE :))))
    Happy craftin

  16. Steph Martin8:52 pm

    Many congrats Jo - love the new stamps :)

  17. Io adoro i timbri della Jofy!!!!!

  18. where do we get the stamps? love them

  19. Anonymous1:11 pm

    I love Christmas Stamps..these are perfect…


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