Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

8 March 2013

This is that week that was.....

... mainly spent in a fog of poorliness! but that's all gone, and I don't think I suffered as much as others I've spoken to. I hope everyone else is on the mend too.  I've been back in the land of the living for a few days and am raring to go!  :o)

Last saturday (can't believe its been almost a week!) I was over at The Craft Barn demo-ing with my latest stamps.... several new-to-stamping people sat down and watched so I kept things quite clean and simple:
I think my favourite card is the one on the bottom right.. no.. stop.. its not fair to pick my favourite - there's aspects on each that I like!
I really like making flowers using the leaf stamps - makes a nice change from the round flowers (centre of flower above is cut from one of those)(mix'n'match)
Love the shading on these yellow/orange flowers... using Distress Markers (so easy to work with), the leaves are painted with Fresco Finish - LOVE that paint - can't wait to get my painty little hands on the latest colours - I've seen them.  They are gorgeous, must have, additions to the range.

On the more mixed media side here's a tag - I like this a lot - the red spotted ribbon on the top is, I think, one of my all time favourite ribbons!  On this tag is stenciling with Fresco Finish, background colouring with Distress Inks, stenciling with Distress Inks, stamping, decoupaging of papers.... quite a busy little tag!
I'd always wondered what the cute little wooden flowers would look like with my stamps - I think I like them.  The red scallop border along the bottom is a stamp from JOFY06.

I did rally long enough earlier in the week to book tickets to see Josh Groban in June - looking forward to that very much!  Here's a sample of the gorgeous velvet tones of the man himself:
{I'm going with the lovely Lin Brown, I think I remembered to tell (warn) her that I may cry, or sing, or both during the concert.... :o)  }

I also found my long lost pencil sharpener - its the little things that keep us happy isn't it! lol
I like this sharpener, it was a particularly good one and it comes in a little tin that collects the shavings!  Tidy!

Have a lovely weekend.



  1. Glad you're feeling better now. These cards and tags are all fantastic.

  2. Glad you rare feeling better :)
    Loving your cards, and esp the tag - gorgeous! Enjoy the show.

  3. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Oooh, such pretty cards & the tag is gorgeous. Glad you're finally feeling better, have a great weekend.

  4. Lovely projects, especially love the "busy" tag at the end... sorry to hear you've been feeling so poorly.
    Alison x

  5. Hi am new to your stamps and your blog and I think your style is fabulous. I had earmarked a project in a magazine a few months ago to try and when I went back to it I discovered it was one of yours too. Glad you better - missed new stuff in the last week.

  6. Fab samples as always Jo. love the way you used to leaf to make a new style flower....very cute!!!
    As for going to see JG......very excited but as for the warning????.....singing is OK, dancing in the isles is OK, sqealing and screaming I can probably cope with but please don't cry!!!Looking forward to it enormously!!!

    L. x

  7. Glad you're feeling better Jo. Love all of these cards. Can't wait to get my hands on your stamps at Ally Pally (my son's paying for some of them, so even better!) Have a lovely weekend. xx

  8. such gorgeous cards - good to see the close up details too


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