Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

29 May 2013

Busy, busy, busy.....

.... in a very enjoyable way!

Its the reason my blog has been a little neglected recently - because a lot of what I have been creating has been 'secret'.... fun for me but not great blog reading for you!  Oops, but all will become clear later in this post - those of you who read the PaperArtsy blog will already know what the 'secret' is because its not so secret anymore... :o)
Apologies in advance for this 'catch-up' posting - just wanted to get it written down and all caught up.. then start afresh...

I recently visited The Stamp Attic for a weekend of classes - it was great weekend! The ladies who came and stamped, inked, painted and sanded (there was a lot of sanding at one point! lol) were very lovely and I hope they had as nice a time as I did.
I took other photo's during the weekend but they're not very good  :o(
This was the first time I'd been to The Stamp Attic and I'm really looking foward to going back in July (6&7th).

Last weekend I taught a couple of classes at Birds in the Barn - better photos taken during this weekend - the grounds of the garden centre where the shop is located provided the perfect setting for the projects..

But the main reason for the lack of blogging is...

I've been busy designing 3 new A5 plates of JOFY stamps - flowers and some feathered friends......

... and 6 minis...

I love these new designs and I'll be demo'ing them this coming weekend at the Craft Barn -  hope to see some of you there  :o)

14 May 2013

Stamp Attic...

... is where there a couple of places left for my class on Sunday, please come along for some painty fun and create a canvas using JOFY stamps, GrungePaste and lots of other lovely 'stuff':
Contact the shop to reserve your place.

11 May 2013

Its not all about daisies...

....  in our garden any more...yes the daisies are still there (but cut back by a bit of lawn mowing) but now they have been joined by other plants... the garden is a work in progress and no planting is long term because we are having work done on the house and the garden will get knocked about - Tubs are the answer! So we have tubs, square ones... and just in one corner of the garden (for now...):

Over the bank holiday we tidied everything up, cleared the beds, mowed the lawn etc etc etc, and this is how it looked when we'd done that:
and this is how it looks now - new plants in shrubs - just adding splashes of colour - we're keeping it simple...  hhhmm in the photo it looks very minimal but in real life it definitely has more impact! lol
 ...especially this plant - LOVE this! makes me laugh - its a little bit bit weird and wonderful:
... and you may have noticed this little fella in the tubs - this is Science Rat (thanks Hels for sharing where you bought yours - I told you I wasn't sure I'd resist..)... I call him Science Rat because of his goggles and because he's looking up inquisitively...
 ... and always looks like he's watching YOU!
hahaha but what he really needs to be doing is keeping an eye on my Gerberas in the trough behind him because if the slugs and snails eat them AGAIN this year there will be trouble!!

OK, thats enough about my garden... mainly because there's really not much else to tell - its very  :o(

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

10 May 2013

The Stamp Attic....

.... is where I'll be next weekend:

Saturday May 18th 2013 
 is card day, making cards with JOFY stamps, inks and paints........

Sunday May 19th 2013
create a 20cm canvas with JO
FY stamps, Fresco Paints, Inks and Paper......

There are a few places left so if you'd like to come to and get inky, painty with me contact the shop to book your place.
I'm really looking forward to it & I'd love it if you could join me!

9 May 2013

Stamp... Paint... Create...

... says the stamp I designed for this month's Craft Stamper... I'm thrilled to have designed a cover stamp and love how the little stamp turned out, I hope people enjoy using it.  June is a great issue of the magazine with a masculine theme - and we know how tricky 'man' projects can be!  Available in shops now....


6 May 2013

Its Spring over on the Craft Barn Blog...

... and its where you'll find a project by me (and projects by Lin Brown too)....
Go here and The Craft Barn also has free shipping this weekend.

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