Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

11 May 2013

Its not all about daisies...

....  in our garden any more...yes the daisies are still there (but cut back by a bit of lawn mowing) but now they have been joined by other plants... the garden is a work in progress and no planting is long term because we are having work done on the house and the garden will get knocked about - Tubs are the answer! So we have tubs, square ones... and just in one corner of the garden (for now...):

Over the bank holiday we tidied everything up, cleared the beds, mowed the lawn etc etc etc, and this is how it looked when we'd done that:
and this is how it looks now - new plants in shrubs - just adding splashes of colour - we're keeping it simple...  hhhmm in the photo it looks very minimal but in real life it definitely has more impact! lol
 ...especially this plant - LOVE this! makes me laugh - its a little bit bit weird and wonderful:
... and you may have noticed this little fella in the tubs - this is Science Rat (thanks Hels for sharing where you bought yours - I told you I wasn't sure I'd resist..)... I call him Science Rat because of his goggles and because he's looking up inquisitively...
 ... and always looks like he's watching YOU!
hahaha but what he really needs to be doing is keeping an eye on my Gerberas in the trough behind him because if the slugs and snails eat them AGAIN this year there will be trouble!!

OK, thats enough about my garden... mainly because there's really not much else to tell - its very  :o(

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


  1. nice pots, I like the Bottle Brush plant.

  2. Love that plant what is it? Looks like a loo brush that had argument with dylusions spray LOL
    Bought one of your stamp sets today at port sunlight can't wait to play :)
    Happy craftin

    1. Hi
      Its called a 'bottle brush' plant... Have fun with your stamp set. :o)

  3. Looks great only made a very small dint in my garden so far, in shame to post piccies lol. I love Bottle Brush plant's but so far have seen two off, might stick with Pansies this year!! Elizabeth x

  4. love the bottle brush plant.

  5. Great Bottle Brush plant, but beware it will grow to a monster if you don't keep it under control. But it has great texture with the seed pods after it has flowered.

  6. 'Science rat' reminds me of the mice in Wallace and Gromit! Love him


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