Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

1 July 2014

August Craft Stamper....

... is an interesting/exciting issue of the magazine, as always, but this time for a different reason - the magazine has a new Editor.  Katy Leitch has left for 'pastures new' and Alix Merriman has taken over the reins - I wish them both the very best of luck.

Oh, and I'm in the magazine and that's always a little bit exciting for me!

Craft Stamper, August issue is available now..

(I loved Helen Chiltern's 'stamping with vegetables' article - who knew leeks would create such great patterns, and I loved the beetroot 'ink' - great colour!)

Grab yourself a copy - you won't be disappointed



  1. Hope to get a copy Friday, looking forward to your article:-) x

  2. Will pick mine up at the weekend - something special by the sounds of it! I always buy it and - sometimes - there are things I try! It's craft pornography - a bit like my vast collection of cookbooks which I lust over but rarely use in anger (but with my new kitchen and seimens oven all that will change)

  3. Love the neutral look of this project, can't wait to get my copy xx

  4. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Your CS project is gorgeous Jo.

  5. I will be lusting over your pretty project no doubt Jo!


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