Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

3 January 2015

ALBOTAT: Tag - you're it!

Clothes come with such nice swing tags that its hard to throw them away so here's a quick blog post about how I altered a couple..  quick n easy...  great for all types of presents or embellishments on cards and other projects....

first up is a Next tag - loved this one as it had holly leaves cut out of it! (& yes it was on a christmas sweater lol).. it definitely needed to be upcycled! (the tag, not the sweater!)
I pulled together some 'supplies' - bits and pieces to hand really - from christmas projects I'd been working on..
I cut a wide band of the red paper and glued across the tag to block out all the product information, and also attached a snowflake punched from kraft card (this is my 'go-to' Martha Stewart snowflake punch)...

Nice but looked as if it needed 'something' else... green spotted paper and gems..  I cut a piece of the green card to cover the holly leaf cut out, this also meant that I would be able to write on the reverse of the tag if I needed to...

Here's the finished tag - I'll show you how I used this in the coming days..

I was on a roll now and so 'up-cycled' another tag - this time from Monsoon - this shop always has lovely packaging: swing tags and bags.. and the items wrapped in tissue paper sealed with stickers (I'm so easily pleased!) ... lovely!

Here are the pieces I gathered up - these were on my desk in a 'stash' pile (its good to create with items on the desk because they are still 'inspiring', still in the mind set of creating with that colour or pattern palette)..
The tag has a printed/embossed pattern on that I wanted to keep but I needed to hide/disguise the shop name on the tag and on the tube/stopper on the string.

There was a lot of text on the reverse of the tag so I covered this with the pink paper:

I wrapped a length of the striped paper around the tube on the string to disguise the word, and glued a strip of the striped paper around the tag...

So here is the finished tag, front and back - really simple to alter and now I can use it on someone's gift!




  1. Love the spotty holly leaves, gives the tag so much depth x

  2. Clever sausage - nice! I may have also been to the Next sale LOL

  3. Ooh I went to fat face sale, I have a 'few' swing tags!!

  4. Know what you mean about tags you find on clothing, have a little stash somewhere.

    Lovely little upcycle projects:-) xxx

  5. I was given a gorgeous handbag for Christmas and of course saved the swing tag...
    These are fabulously recycled and will make gorgeous tags for something - look forward to seeing what soon!


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