Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

27 May 2015

ALBOTAT: From little acorns....

... lovely dibbers are made.

I'd like to tell you a story...

Once upon a time, not so long ago- back in the mid 1970s - a little girl planted an acorn in the back garden of her parents house....

Fast forward forty (OUCH) years and the little girl (thats her in the photo above in the garden, on her first day of school) has grown up and so has the tree.  The garden and tree, in the rear right of the photo below, have blossomed and the tree is big and strong....   gone is the 'Good Life' vegetable patch, now replaced by lawns and flower beds...

The not-little-anymore-girl now has her own house & garden and asked her Dad to make her a dibber to help plant seeds....
So he used a branch that had needed to be trimmed from the tree, turned it on his lathe and created lovely dibbers...

And that is how the acorn that I planted when I was five, grew big, and became my plant dibbers!

How great is that!

Love that my Dad thought to make the dibbers out of a branch of the tree I planted - circle of life, personal history/attachment...



  1. such a lovely story

  2. What a lovely idea and those are ACE dibbers. It's fair to say I have dibber envy (now there's a sentence I never thought to see in print ;oD What a creative family you are! Lx

  3. Love that he did that for you, makes it all so much more special x

  4. love this Jo especially the dibbers. Not quite so cute a story but I saved the top of our old bench which we bought 11 years ago for £15, to use on my new room in the garden/studio. I will also be saving something from the my exisitng one, once it comes down. They both hold memories for me, as your dibbers will for you. To think you are using the wood of something you planted. lovely! xx

  5. What a lovely idea of your dad's & how rewarding to see how big the tree has grown :-)


  6. That's just lovely Jo xx

  7. Great use of the branch, and I love the dibbers - so tactile, and a great memento of your youth!

  8. Fabulous story! Precious memories! X

  9. That is so sweet!!! And what a treasure your dibbers are!!!

  10. what a gorgeous story and those dibbers are beautiful x


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