Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

12 May 2015

More than a 'little bit of this'n'that'...

... its been too long since I blogged.. I'm sorry... don't take it personally -though I think my blog might be - its feeling (and looking) all unloved and ignored!... life and secret stuff takes over sometimes... but here is a fast'n'furious bullet point list of some of the things/highlights I've been up to (in chronological order) since we last spoke.. 
  • I've taught 3 fun workshops
  • I met and had a mini conversation with the national treasure that is Dame Judi Dench !! (squeal)  it was one of those moments where you think 'that lady looks just like Judi Dench, but what would Judi Dench be doing here?!?'.. well, buying her groceries as it turns out lol even national treasures need to buy groceries. lol   
    She was very lovely/ gracious, am very glad I plucked up the courage to say hello.. (though not enough courage to ask for a photo - didn't seem right - she's a Dame! lol..)
  • I watched the builders demolish the back of our house - at speed - I hope they build it back up just as fast (I doubt it, but I can hope!)... 
  • I bought last minute tickets to see Texas, one of my all time favourite bands, at our local venue.... and went to see the concert last week...(by the way - I love a coincidence: my ticket number was J10 which is part of the registration number on my car!! its like it was meant to be! lol)
    TEXAS WERE AWESOME!!! so so good... I'm lost for words - which is saying something!
    Afterwards we went to the stage door (my brother's idea - he's a big fan!) waited for a while, chatted with the band's guitarist (who was outside for a sneaky cigarette) and then out came Sharleen Spiteri... and this time I DID pluck up the courage to ask for a photo! lol
  • Went to the hairdressers - not normally newsworthy obviously - but this was a visit with a difference:
    "Hi Jo, are you feeling artistic?" says my hairdresser... "why??" I replied a little suspiciously... he handed me a wood giraffe that he wanted me to paint ... while he's cutting my hair  (he'd started painting it yellow and then..  well.. stopped) lol... 
    I'm up for a challenge -and it was a challenge - it's one of those wood toys that collapse when you press the base... (cast your minds back to being a child... we probably all had them - I think mine was a cow lol)... 90 minutes later I'm looking prettier and the giraffe isn't looking too bad either! even if I do say so myself..  lol
    (its not going to win any prizes but I had to paint this moving object while not moving my head (or body really) because my hairdresser is cutting my hair! lol  me sitting still at the hairdressers to start with is a feet in itself - so I'm not convinced the 'paint a giraffe' request wasn't just an elaborate ploy to keep me still. lol )

    Meet Gerry the Giraffe!

..and if you're wondering how JOFY stamps appeared along the base its because I drove home - in my hairdresser gown and plastic cap (stop laughing)- and picked up stamps, ink, paint and paint brushes lol
aaaah if only I could've remembered where I'd put my googly-eye stash! lol

And now I'm still working on commissions and secret stuff... while making tea and coffee for the builders :o)


1 comment

  1. You have been a busy bunny Jo lol! So many wonderful memories for you to treasure. Gerry looks fantastic and i do hope he has a place in your new conservatory :-) xxx


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