Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

21 April 2016

Happy and Sad day......

Today was supposed to be a day of celebration (in England) - which it still is - as the Queen celebrates her 90th birthday...

but then this happened...

I've seen him live several times but it was never going to be enough... .. and now we'll never get the chance again....

He was the soundtrack to my twenties and beyond - he's still on my playlist on my phone... 

Sad times....


  1. ditto Jo, we were probably at the same concerts, I still remember hearing Purple Rain for the first time, he had me from "purple"

  2. Yes, Jo, it really was a punch in the stomach to hear about Prince leaving us. He was such a personality and such a wonderful performer/singer -- he'll be missed enormously.
    Hope to see you again one of these days in the not too distant future -- Sally xo


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