Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

17 June 2016

Holiday makes..... Part 2

OK, I packed bits and pieces to use when making things on holiday but I can't resist using pieces I find in the room or collect from the restaurants... look at the pretty stationery! be a shame to leave that sitting in a drawer...

I really enjoyed creating with limited supplies - make you think a bit more, be resourceful with what you have and what you can find around you .... such as all these bits and pieces: I can't resist using pieces I find in the hotel room or collect from the restaurants... look at the pretty stationery! it'd be a shame to leave that sitting in a drawer...

 LtoR - the daily newsletter telling guests what's going on each day at the resort and what the weather is expected to be (in my experience of Mexico - that would be 'hot, hot & ... erm.. hotter!') - its useful for sketching onto or as underpaper or background paper; the lovely orange patterned pieces are all stationery (invites to evening events, envelopes, writing paper etc); the bottle tops are from water bottles that are readily available all the time; restaurant consumables: 'spice' packet held chopsticks & doily was under a cup; couple of bits from the complimentary toiletries pack - toothbrush (I've been known to come home with quite a few of those - great for cleaning jewellery, flicking paint etc..), ear bud (great for paint spots and rubbing paint along pages edges... and last but not least - the hero ball point pen!... I also had a very useful drink stirrer but that didn't make the trip home. :o)

Here's a page I made using a panel cut from a mini cereal box (more about those tomorrow) covered in papers I took with me.  I drew on a few simple flower heads and painted and doodled detail on them....
I glued a panel of the stationery - I think this was the flap of an envelope - into my 6x6 sketchbook after realising it coordinated almost perfectly with the my doodled flowers I glued the panel onto the page.  To finish I drew lines around the panel and the page.

Next up is a page that I started at 2am in the morning when I couldn't sleep!  I love hexagons (you may have noticed! lol) and had packed a hexagon drawing stencil - the type we had a school (there's a circle one shown in the 'perfect kit' blog post)... so I drew this at night...

... and painted it the following lunchtime (using the Winsor and Newton watercolour paints...)

One more 'holiday makes' blog post to come..  when maybe I'll also show you the photo of me with the monkey!! (I kid you not! lol)



  1. Another lovely post Jo! I especially love the page you drew in the early hours.

    Lesley Xx

  2. love your hexagon page, so fresh x

  3. fabulous - love your hexagons!

  4. These are fabulous holiday art. xx


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