Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

29 March 2007

ART-O-MATIC Scrapbook Classes

17 April 2007
3 weeks

25 March 2007

Hey, YOU!
Yes. . . YOU!
You out there - lurking, . . quietly watching, and reading this!!!

Upcoming class: Altered Tin with concertina card/ scrapbook

These small tins (9 x 8.5 cm) are altered & contain a concertina 'book' which can be used as an extra special card or a small scrapbook - or just made for the fun of it!

(Apologies for the photo quality!)

If you are interested in attending this class please let me know by adding a comment to this post (press 'comments' below), and further details will be be sent to you.

Celebrate Turning 36 . . scrapbook/journal

Created using the pink kit from the first Art-o-Matic scrapbook classes.

A few of my favourite pages:
(nb - the stones are in the corners to keep the pages open!)



Here is my 'confessions' book from Shimelle's online class. My 'confessions' are quite superficial - no deep dark secrets and skeletons lurking in my cupboards thank you very much!

The book is quite small - 10 x 7.5cm. bound by hinged rings (with ribbons tied on for decoration), and is created from the paper I had left over after creating my '36 Birthday Weekend' scrapbook/ journal.

booked fanned out . . . . . . . . . misc. confessions

I might make a proper cover for it at some point... this could be a book that continues to grow - adding confessions as they come to mind....


18 March 2007

POTG phoned yesterday - I won their scrapbook spread competition! (see image in previous post).
Am chuffed!

Thanks to everyone who voted!

14 March 2007

Card made using the collaged sheet (and 'Wild Asparagus' letters, Ma Vinci stamps, and paper & fabric flowers). I liked using the collage sheet (actually a scan of) as it adds interest to the background. Its going to be great with pics of the 'Pattern Girls' etc on (and the girls from Paula's Kits)... and the sewing plates from PaperArtsy......

11 March 2007

I love the colours of these lillies - they were just about dead and I was throwing them out but I had to capture their colours - from the pale pink through to an almost lilac/purple - gorgeous.

This is a piece of paper I created in the studio on Saturday - just playing around. A2 piece of white paper with misc bits and pieces collaged on - squared paper, lined paper, dressmaking pattern instructions, music script and book text -there's an art-o-matic stamp on there too! and then dressmaking pattern pieces glued over the top to tie everything together and neutralise it - I like the way you have to look quite hard to see the layers underneath.
Its a work in progress - Its going to be the base for various other projects.....

My Favourite Things....

No, not the song from The Sound of Music (though that can be quite addictive!)(but sssshhh keep that quiet :o) ) I'm thinking 'favourite things' might be a good idea for a scrapbook/ art journal etc etc etc

So, I have to start thinking & making lists - and I love a list! (but these may not fit on the back of my hand like my shopping and 'to do' lists do ... well I can't forget where I put the list if its on the back of my hand can I ?!

Aaaanyway this was inspired partly by Elsie Flannigan's blog and the questions people had asked her, and partly by clearing out the 80's & 90's music tapes from my attic - I threw out the tapes (ouch) but saved the covers (- well all of the music is available on CD or download so I considered it safe! hhhmmm, yes... course it's safe... hopefully!) (and I saved the REALLY 'important' ones), Elsie had been asked questions by readers about her favourite music and films (which seems to be anything with Ewan McGregor in it by the look of things! lol) (not a bad thing....) but it got me thinking...

... . . . . about Favourite Things.... Documenting what are my favourites at the moment - and it has to be 'at the moment' because in 6 months time I won't like the same (though some will be there...)

So first thoughts on subjects for Favourites Lists:
# 1: Favourite songs / music
# 2: Favourite films
# 3: Favourite year
# 4: Stuff (things you can't catagories but you love!)
# 5: Musicals (its not camp to love musical theatre! Honest!)
# 6: Arty stuff

Now I've seen my list of lists written down I think Favourite Films is the way forward... the subject for my next minibook - Eeeek have just remembered I should probably keep it to a Top Ten! (not like those Channel 4 programmes M & I watch where there are ONE HUNDRED top whatevers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Watch this space............. Any suggestions? - I'm bound to have forgotton a really important film or song, or something that I will kick myself for later.....

west sides story . . . . the way we were . . . . fight club . . . dirty dancing . . . . out of africa . . . . gladiator . . . . moulin rouge . . . . aaaah so many films so little time and space on the list........ oooh I could make it look like film strip - like negatives.... pictures and quotes .... aaaarggh... too many thoughts...... I carried a watermelon!!.....
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