Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

18 March 2008

Salt effects.....

I taught Resisting and Distressing at CI on Friday and Saturday (taught through a killer headache on Saturday and was quite proud of myself for not throwing up mid class! Thanks go to Lin for supplying FANTASTIC painkillers and for saving the day by popping out and buying an iron!)
During the Distress Inks class someone asked what would happen to the colour/inks if you added rock salt as you would in silk painting..... ? I couldn't give a definite answer but I explained that if you paint waterbased dye on paper and add salt while the dye/paper is still wet the salt drags up the colour from the surrounding area . . . . so the same might happen with Distress Inks (dye based)

So I've done a bit of a test:

Distress Inks direct to paper (stronger colour), spritzed with water and sprinkled with rock salts, spritzed with water again (optional)

Before it's dried

I don't have a heat tool at home and so I had to improvise - under the grill (I knew when I needed to take it out as 'smoke/steam' was streaming out of the grill!)(I never said this was a sceintific approach!)

'Cooked' - the colour has faded a little - I don't know if this is because it was under the grill - I'll try it at a later date with the heat tool and see if there is any noticable difference

The little rings with the darker centre is where the salts were laying... nice effect.

This is the same effect on blue and green distress inks - I like the effect on green - like little patches of mould or lichen on a bark.

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