Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

10 January 2009

Card Inspirations.....

.... sign up for new classes is today at the shop - ending at 3.15 (but you can still book via phone, email or post after that), the shop will close at 4.00. And they're also having a sale so why not pop by to sign up for a class and grab a bargain or two at the same time! There are some great christmas items in the sale - so if you'd like to be super-organised for xmas 2009 (!!) go stock up on your stash!!

Here are a few sneak peeks of my classes....

Oops, they're all looking a bit pink (and green) aren't they - there are other colour choices planned - honest!
Part of my New Year Resolutions (which weren't many) was to not use white as a card base - broaden out into other colours.... maybe I should include 'do not use pink & green' in those plans. :o)


  1. Anonymous1:18 pm

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  2. Anonymous1:18 pm

    I totally LOVE the sundae shoes card.

    Are you selling them anywhere?

  3. Thanks! I'm glad you like it.
    The card has been produced for a class design over at Card Inspirations (link on right).
    I could make one as a special order if you'd like - send email to address given on site.


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