Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

6 June 2010

Altered book pages....

I was thinking about altering book pages the other day, and so dug out this book I made a while back when I was studying for my City&Guilds in PaperCraft (oh yes!).  I made it to act as a resource of things that could be added to a page to include photos, ephemera, extra space or just interest and I thought I'd share it with you....
Its not a pretty book - the pages are intentionally blank so that you see the technique not the pretty (!?) papers that have been used.
Hope you can work out what's on each page, if not then leave me a comment and I'll explain!  Hope you like it and maybe find it useful.


  1. Spooky muzak time Jo, as I was trying to remember over the weekend exactly how long ago it was since doing C&G Papercraft!! Yikes 2003.... see everything has its uses. Btw does Lola not like having her pic taken?

  2. BEVERLEY!!!! :o))) Shocking how long ago that was! but yes- it all comes in useful! lol. Lola will put in an appearance this week I think to redress the balance.. also Bertie is getting too many fan comments and its going to his head... he'll be demanding his own blog soon... lol take care.

  3. Jo , thank you for showing, sometimes it is great to go back to the beginning.. mind you mine is too long ago to remember, except I do have all my artwork created when I was at Art college!! you have made me think I should dig it out.. if I knew where it was! all very 70's I fear :) lol

  4. wow this is fantastic Jo..i am looking for ideas to make an art journal with art tags and pockets ect also you should check out an amzing lady called laura she does so great tutorials on you tube here


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