Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

29 November 2011

Where do I start!

Its been a while since I posted - again - and lots as happened and I'm not sure where to start soooo
lets start at the very beginning
its a very good place to start
when you read you begin with A.B. C..
When you craft you begin with.....
Paints from PaperArtsyyyyyy
Those clever-paint-making-wizards at PaperArtsy have expanded the range of Fresco Finish paints - I love these fantastic matt finish acrylic paints - if you haven't used them before get yourselves over to the PaperArtsy site - HERE - and buy some - you won't regret it!
 The new colours are brighter but still have the lovely matt finish and some are Translucent which means that you can layer them up with other colours, or paint over the top of a stamped image and that image will show through... genius - its made the range of colours really versatile.

Loving using stencils with stamping - something I used to do but have moved on to other techniques (like we all do) - so happy to be revisiting it - thanks to Lynne Perrella & Leandra for the reminder and inspiration.....
The above tags are samples I made when I demo'd the Fresco Finish paints (& PaperArtsy stamps) at Birds in the Barn (Marks Tey, nr Colchester).  I had a nice time demo'ing, talking to customers, and putting faces to names - waving at you lovelies Tina & Shirley! lol
I have a couple of days of classes planned at the shop in the New Year.  Hope to see you there.

So thats the update - I have a few others but I'll save those for another day...



  1. Gorgeous tags, and I love the new colours.

  2. Hi Jo

    Coming right back at ya *waving*. Very sweet comment thanks Jo. I popped back to BITB this weekend and they told me that you will be doing some classes - so will be keeping my eyes peeled for when they are announced as would love to attend!!

    I've not had a chance yet to play with my paints (shame on me!) as I was away all last week - and have been playing catch up this week - but will be sure to let you know when I do! Can't wait to give them a got with my stencils....

    Take care

    Big Hugs



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