Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

2 November 2011


Good morning all you lovely snoopers! lol

What's on my worktop this week - well not much really so you can actually see the worktop (fanfare please!):
BUT, the only reason the desk looks this clear is because I put all the cr*p, ahem, sorry the box of lovely bits of paper I'm saving for later(!) on the table in front over here:

see, now I'm just spoiling you - thats two desks you can snoop around if you feel so inclined!
& check out that box of lovely PaperArtsy Fresco Finish paints! and there's new colours bottled and waiting - how excited am I?!?!  I've seen them- and I want them.. no I neeeeed them....

OK, that's quite enough - off you go to snoop elsewhere... I'll be around for a snoop tour later

(ps.. I'm quite very embarrassed at how unorganised and messy my room looks - I'll be around for a snoop once I've cleared up (cleared out) my stuff (hhm so that could be next tuesday)... now where did I put the rubbish sacks...)


  1. It's Blogmania this week over here - so much loveliness to see. The workshop cards and Lynne pieces look just fabulous. Great to see so much fab work from you. Enjoy those paints...

  2. Great to share your busy creative space... good snoop!
    JoZarty x

  3. I will admit, sometimes cleaning off my desk merely means gathering everything up and putting it into a basket to go through later!

  4. I love the Fresco paints but have a long, long way to go until I get as many as you have (only 4 so far)

  5. I see no reason to be embarrassed at all..but isn't it funny how different the desk tops look through a lens! Jealous of the lovely light flooding your room for sure. Confess to not having any Fresco paints and never tried...but there's time; it's not like I need convincing!

  6. LOL - two desks? Now that's plain greedy....oh....wait....I have two....erm.....

    Love the desks this week Jo!

  7. Lovely natural lighting you have there, no need to be embarrassed about creative mess. Better than clean nothing
    Bridget #2

  8. Anonymous11:16 am

    Lovely busy space, so much going on. Love all the natural light too.

    Brenda 74


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