Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

14 December 2011


I wasn't going to WOYWW this week until this photo opportunity came along:
This is Little Miss Lola, she's sitting on the only clear part of the desk (I've been busy creating so its a 'little' messy).  She sits there because she can't get any further - no clear space.. and she's not as agile as many other cats due to a tricky knee and a certain amount of chubbiness! lol but she's adorable so I thought I'd make her the 'star' of my desk this week.

Speaking of agility or lack of..
Oh yes, that shiner is my right eye! Sustained while decorating the christmas tree on Sunday.
Do I get the prize for 1st festive related injury?
So here is the festive crime scene, and no, don't adjust your monitor- the tree is supposed to be upside down!
So the lesson I learned (the hard way) from this is that you should not step down from the arm of the sofa (should I even have been standing on the arm of the sofa?) onto a cowhide covered (solid) pouf in loose fitting wool socks!
The combination of all those things is that I slipped on the pile of the fur, the pouf went one way, I went the other - straight onto the edge of the metal boxes next to the tree, resulting in a blackened eye, a very sore cheek bone and a bruised leg.  Merry bloomin christmas!
I am finding this quite funny because:
1.  I never normally do things like this (its been 37 years apparently (according to my parents) since I last blacked my eyes - the last time being 2 days before the photographers yearly visit! Its all in the timing! lol) 
2.  I could have knocked my teeth out - makes me feel quite sick even thinking about that!
3.  I'm quite enjoying watching it change colour - every morning its been a different colour and the swelling has moved...

So, please be careful while decorating your tree - let my black eye etc be a lesson for all of you!  :o)
There ends todays health & safety informtion post.

And to learn more about WOYWW go here

and after a post like this how could you not want to follow this blog?! lol   It has everything - public information, cute picture of a cat, crafting - oh well, no crafting today but there is normally!  So please follow because:
" - I'll be a happy little blogger if I can get up to (or over!) 100 followers by 2012... in fact I'll be so happy I'll have a little blog-give-away in celebration!"


  1. A few things come to mind, (sympathy first obviously):
    1. You poor thing!
    2. The colour combo of that bruise would make a lovely background on a card/canvas.
    3. Miss Lola looks as if she wants to be a part of one of your new projects.
    4.I LOVE your upside-down tree.
    Hope you heal quickly.

  2. oooh Kirsten you should have seen it yesterday - there was red and purple too!

  3. Aw Jo ur such a loon girlie!
    LOVE the tree, altho offish you cant really call it a tree now, it has to be somethin else...I too suffered a black eye or two in my you say, the colour swatching is amazeballs.
    btw, you may wish to think twice about standing on your little stool - my OH did that to mine and brock the bloody thing clean in two and he's a skinny minx. Not that ur not a skinnt minx. Anyway I'm going before i make a faux pas...or is that a faux tree...ciao bella! xx

  4. Hi there, just popping in to say Hi. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing a snippit of your dangerous and creative life with us today. Hope the colour goes down by Christmas otherwise you may have to get the inks out and disguise it!
    Neil #13

  5. It is turning a delightful colour... I had a shiner of a black eye many years ago (I got knocked over by a moped) and my (now) ex took some photos of it.... wonder where they are!! Take care of yourself, and rememeber the 'elf and safety!! Love the tree though....

  6. so sorry you have poorly eye hope its better by christmas looks so sore x

  7. Awwww bless pussmog, hope she gives lots of purry hugs for that poor eye. I have one question.... what happens to the poor fairy on an upsidedown tree? Will she get a headache, dress over her head to show off her credentials?

  8. stunning tree and stunning eye, LOL, sorry shouldnt giggle but its hard not to, merry christmas

  9. Oh dear! poor you, (LMAO) I shouldnt laugh really, as I was stoopid enough to play with the dog, game of tug f war, with a rubber bone, he let go I wallopped myself in the mouth and split my lip wide open last week.
    I love the tree but dont think hubby would go along with it some how lol
    Bit late getting on this week due to various disasters, but belated happy WOYWW
    Lou #102

  10. I am sooo happy someone else seems to share my complete disregard for the fact that the laws of physics don't apply... I was attacked by the tree this year, though didn't get a pretty technicolour shiner to show for it... some people get all the luck...xx

  11. Your cat is so precious - wanting to be in on the action.

    Speaking of action, ouch, what a shiner!! I liked the first commenter that said you should use that color combination on a card!!

    WOYWW #82

  12. Miss Lola, is stunning, poor you with your shiner, elf & safety would have a field day, bless you, Hugs May x x x

  13. Two things I love about the post! 1. Miss Lola sitting in the middle of your very creative desk and 2. The upside down Christmas tree...awesome
    Sorry to hear you got a black eye out of the deal. I got up one night and went to the loo came back to bed and remember bouncing off the doorframe but the next morning I had a huge shiner... life is good! Have a great week and Happy Holidays! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #35

  14. Lovely Lola - creating havoc even though she's sitting still!
    And blimey, what a picture, what a photograph...that eye is impressive. I'm so cack handed...*sigh*
    Hugs, LLJ #34 xx

  15. I'm doing a quick drop in on the WOYWW desks to see what you've all been up to this week. Hope that eye soon heals and the bruising goes away. Looks like we are all busy busy this week getting ready for the big day.
    Have a great week.
    A x
    ps if you would like to support me I am looking out for votes for my poppy pic. Please pop over to my blog and follow the links if you have a spare minute.

  16. I do love how they demand attention by taking up the only remaining room you could work on! Your tree is a beautiful madness, and your fall, alarming..thank goodnness your teeth are intact.....perhaps not do that again, huh?!!!

  17. oooo that's quite a shinner you have there! Just popped across from Banana frog and been looking through your blog....wish i'd seen all your gorgeous Christmas decorations earlier, they are lovely. I see that you are trying to reach 100 bloggers so i'm happy to help!

  18. I think that tree is worth the Black Eye!! lol It is very Beautiful!! I was telling my Husband I wanted to do an UP SIde Down Tree and he just looked at me... lol Happy WOYWW!!

    Shirley Pumpkin #63


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