Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

21 February 2013

I tried to tidy up my desk, I really did....

... but while doing so I found some left over bits and pieces that were crying out to be made into a project...
Loving this tag for several reasons:
1:  it has buttons
2:  it is made on a kraft corrugated substrate
3:  it has tags
4:  it's made with my stamps!
The big round flower at the top is layers of the flowers JOFY09 & JOFY10 (and left over from creating Gladys) secured together with a bit of 3d foam - always comes in handy doesn't it!
The tags were left over from creating the box canvas featured a few days ago.

but the tag isn't created entirely out of rubbish... lol  Sometimes its just nice to play with stamps to see what happens - the leaf with circular patterns on JOFY12... well that was crying out to become petals on a flower:
They make lovely flowers - liking those very much! ... .and those little circles - perfect for bling placement! lol

That's my quick project made.... I suppose I'd better get back to tidying the desk.......



  1. Loving your very pretty tag and all those wonderful buttons.

  2. Love this tag, the corrugated cardboard is great but the buttons add a certain something!

  3. gorgeous colours, what did you use to colour them with?

  4. jo this is really lovely

  5. Tee hee, I can sympathise with the tidying thing Jo, needless to say my makeshift craft spaces (i.e. kitchen and dining room table lol) are permanently messy!!!!!!!! Your tag is beautiful and I bet it was much more fun than tidying, it shows off your gorgeous stamps perfectly.
    Hugs x

  6. This is so gorgeous... LOVE the colour palette, your leafy flowers are fab, and of course you'll win me with the corrugated card any time!
    Alison x

  7. Looks gorgeous, great stamps. Layers and textures x trace x

  8. Lucky you I've been a very devoted house wife today :( might get a play later. Lovely ever LOL
    Happy craftin


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