Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

16 October 2014

A little bit of DIY....

... in the form or card 'washi tape'.  

My last blog post featured cards and work from a recent class at The Stamp Attic where, as part of the cards' design, we created strips of patterned card to coordinate with chosen colour schemes - a sort of bespoke washi tape... (but don't get me wrong - I love a bit of (a lot of) washi tape but sometimes you just need 
something 'bespoke'.
Here are the two samples I made for the class featuring a strip of 'tape'...

To create strips of patterned 'tape' you could cut up a previously created masterboard, but for the strips I made/taught I wanted the pattern to be more specific so started with strips...

The stamps I mainly used were the stitched lines from JOFY26...

.... I'd been playing around with ways to use the corner stitches other than as a corner motif.... I created (nearly)all my sample on kraft card and with similar colours so that the patterns are obvious and we're not distracted by colours... :o)  these strips can be created in whatever colour scheme matches the projects in hand - really useful .... (and fun... and possibly a bit addictive  - so many variations/options!)

*  stamped the corner image centralised along the length of the strip of card, and another strip with alternating colours...

*  stamped contrast colours facing different directions - love the 'tweedy' look this creates:

*  used the border stamp of stitching to created simple vertical stripes:

*  2 lines of contrasting diagonal stitching:

*  mix of vertical and horizontal stitching, and another with contrast colour:

*  teamed it with the corner motif of the borders from JOFY27

I looked at the new plates to see what else I could use on a tape and the fuzzbuds (named by Leandra!) jumped out....

*  black stamping..

*  'mermaid' painted spots..

*  'snowflake' painted fuzzbuds..

*  the strip had lots of 'open/bare' patches so I added dots with a black pen... I might add Stickles/glitter glue on top of these for a bit of sparkle....

I hope this has inspired you to create your own 'tape'... great way to use up strips of coloured card left over from other projects or to alter strips of masterboard... so many options!



  1. Super nice!

  2. Anonymous8:36 pm

    stunning..................fab ideas

  3. I love them!! They all look fabulous, and now I know what those shapes are called - fuzzbuds!!

  4. Very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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