Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

22 August 2018

ALBOTAT..... cleaning tip

.. (A Little Bit Of This And That)... I don't often blog about 'cleaning tips' .... its not that sort of blog but if you're creative you've probably needed to clean a stencil (or two)... today's blog post is about....

Cleaning Stencils!!

Cleaning stencils can be a nightmare and I wanted to share something I found out earlier this month... sort of by accident...

I clean my stencils in the sink in a bathroom which is next to my workroom... I was looking around for my art-scrubbing-brush to remove the black gesso from my stencil but couldn't find it, then I spied the exfoliating gloves drying on the side of the bath!

Gloves would make a great scrubbing tool wouldn't they?!  They're soft so won't damage the stencil surface and edges, abrasive enough to remove paint...

They worked really well, as you can see here from my little video - please excuse the quality - its hard to scrub and hold the phone to record at the same time!

The gloves also really good for cleaning rollers/brayers with a bit of warm water.. win win

Exfoliating gloves are a bit of a cleaning winner in my book:
  • great for cleaning stencils and brayers
  • they come as a pair! almost like a bogoff - when one gets too dirty you can use the other while you wash the first one!
  • they're inexpensive!
win win!!  (but as with everything - use with care!)

Hope you find this useful - I'm grateful for any tips on how to clean craft equipment!

(And yes, I have bought a new pair of gloves to use on my skin! lol)

Thanks for stopping by



  1. Great tip. Will be moving mine from the bathroom to the craft room sink. Hugz

  2. Replies
    1. Why didn't I think of it before now! lol

  3. I bought some Pebeo Brush cleaner - its thick and gloopy, but rub that on stencils, roller, my fingers. Works fine. I’ve even rubbed into a t-shirt when I decided a quick paint job did not require either a cover up or changing into old clothes, ooops.

    1. lol I also read somewhere that fabric softener is good for cleaning brushes - no idea why though and I haven't tried it... x

  4. Must get some.....I have 1 mitt!


    1. definitely! and the good thing is that they're really inexpensive! win win


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