Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

27 September 2008

Introducing Lola*

She's a 12 week old kitten that we chose this morning, and will be collecting from the RSPCA on Monday.
We were worried that Fredd was getting lonely and so we've adopted her keep him company...

I'll keep you posted on how they get on.......

* We were originally going to call her Mabel but that didn't suit so now she's Lola.


  1. Anonymous3:35 pm

    Oh Jo, how sweeeet. Hope she arrives safe today. As you know Bru is a RSPCA cat - got his paws well and truly under the table now.
    A kitten, you are going to have a house full of fun!!! Paw prints and teeth marks in the art?

  2. Anonymous3:36 pm

    Ooops forgot to sign - its moi - Bev!!!


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