Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

18 March 2010

oooh look at the prettiness...

My mum has sewn things - dolls, my clothes, furnishings - for as long as I can remember - these are pictures of the drawers she keeps the cotton reels in - how FAB are they!! all the colour groups in seperate drawers - LOVE THEM!! Very inspiring..
(Stored in Ikea Moppe drawers - love them too! - but who is the person(numpty) at Ikea responsible for deciding that Moppe drawers should now be sold flat and we should make them ourselves!! Send them to me 'cos I'd like to have a chat... I don't want to make them... I want to buy the drawers ready made so that I can bring them home and immediately fill them with stuff!

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