Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

12 March 2010

Eye candy / Inspiration M&S style

Shopping earlier this week in M&S couldn't help but grab a few photos when I came across lovely colour combos like the above:
Top left - loving the light olive, pink and maroon of these furnishings
Top right - was very tempted to buy a bowl in this crockery design just to have on the desk to keep 'stuff' in and be inspired by....  it was matched with aubergine wine glasses and dark grey chargers - very nice (as discussed with a lady also looking at it - she tried to convince me that it was so lovely I should have 6 of everything!)
Bottom left - very Doris Day - so cute and retro - definitely a colour/ pattern combo to bear in mind... again tempting to buy a piece to put on the desk to tidy and be inspired but at this rate there won't be any space to work on my desk 'cos its full of inspirational crockery! lol
Bottom right - don't these just make you want to carry a handkerchief! lol ... again - nice colour/pattern combo

You see - inspiration can come from anywhere - even Marks & Spencer!

1 comment

  1. Anonymous8:26 am

    thanks for the inspiration,those colour combi's are gorgeous - Im forever taking photo's in all types of shops, anything from T shirt designs to t-towels lol Its amazing where you can find inspiration, if you just take the time to look!


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