Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

21 August 2010

Oops and sorted!

Doh! on Wednesday my desk was all about the Critters (who are multiplying as we speak) and suggested that if people liked them then maybe they'd like to 'follow' them.... which would've been made much easier if I'd put a follow button on the site - which I hadn't! DOH!  (PS Doone - you weren't being 'blind' there wasn't a button invisible, hidden or other!)
Sorry about that, but its now sorted and the Critters have a button over on their site (to go see click on Critters photo on right).....
Please follow if you'd like too, ... but not too closely as they may scare easily and please don't feed them especially after midnight - if you've seen Gremlins then you know why! lol

Here's another addition - I'm not sure about its face - bit small for the body? Not quite right? but then thats part of the Critters' charm isn't it?! 

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